The Sad Past

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Yuu running to Kenta.

Kenta:Yuu why are you running?

Yuu:I need to talk with you.

Yuu tell Kenta what did he see on that disc.

Kenta:I understand...I know that I shouldn't trust that old man after all.

Yuu:Listen I don't know if he really join director or not.

Kenta:I think this has something with Lindow missing I remember Lindow tell me before that he feel something doesn't right about director.

Yuu:What do you mean?

Kenta:Lindow say that he want to investigate about aegis project it's all connected don't you think.

Yuu:When you say about that I also thinking the same thing.

Kenta:Listen Yuu I want you to become my spyer..... Just this time be careful and don't die.I promise to Lindow that I will not make any one of you guys die.

Yuu:I understand.

Kenta:(I guess this is the only thing I can do to avenge your death Lindow)
Wait we got a mission from Tsubaki let's go Yuu.


Meeting room

Tsubaki:You two late.

Kenta:Sorry we're talking about something just now.

Tsubaki:Whatever now I want you guys to hunt down several aragami at the temple.

Yuu:I have a question where is Soma?

Tsubaki:Soma already there.

Alisa:He so fast.

Kota:He always go there alone.

At the temple
Soma pov (Soma dream)

Director:How are you?

Aisha:A little nervous,but mostly fine.
I can't wait for you to arrive.Have you heard from him.

Director:He sent you this charm,meant to keep your safe during delivery.He still beyond our reach.

Aisha:*sigh*Paylor...So he still angry,even now.I hope one day he knows that we did this for him.

Director:Don't worry about it Aisha. it's not good for either of you.

Aisha:Hold onto that charm for me alright? Tomorrow,keep it safe for both of us.You will bring joy to this world.M-my darling boy.My precious little boy.You will shield them from the aragami.You will save them...

Director:A purpose Soma.You have a purpose.You shall purge this world of those beasts....You will see them all burn and fall.

Next dream

Doctor:His basal cell metabolism is extraordinary.It's like nothing I've ever seen before!

Doctor 2:That's impossible!I put eight stitches in his wound yesterday.It can't be healed already.He...He can't be human!

Doctor 3:Careful!You know he can hear halfway across the base.You don't want the director catching wind of this.

Next dream

Another god eater 1:Soma the executioner heh...I don't think anyone from his squad has survived.

Another god eater 2:Yeah no chance they're getting me in that Unit.

Another god eater 1:In only a few days both Lindow and Eric died in the field?That's terrifying man...

Little kid:Hey,the doctor said your mommy died.He said If you hadn't been born,she could have made it.

Soma wake up


Alisa:Ah! *pant pant*You nearly gave us heart attack,Soma.

Yuu:Are you okay Soma?

Alisa:Hey you should ask about me first!

Yuu:Why would I?

Alisa:Nothing.*Angry face*


Kota:You're shaking and mumbling.You all right?

Soma:Fine..... I'm fine.

Kenta:That's not like Soma I know is there something wrong happen?

Soma:What?*scoff*just shut the hell up, Kazuma.

Kota:And there it is.Well he's fine.Let's move out.

They see 1 quadriga.

Kota:This will be a piece of cake.

Kenta:Keep focus you don't want that quadriga know your position.

Kota:What happen if it's know our location.

Kenta:Well death arrive of course.

Yuu:I don't want to intterupt but the faster we get this aragami more chance that we gonna  alive.

Kenta:That's the captain and the leader.

They smash that quadriga really fast.Kota turn around because he thought that quadriga already die.

Kota:See I say that piece of cake.

Alisa:Kota behind you!

Kenta come to save Kota

Kenta:You leave your behind open.Don't do it again.

Kota:Wait you're not angry.

Kenta:That's me I usually don't get mad except for god eater who don't respect another god eater.

Soma:Heh.. You always same.*Smile*

Kenta:You're smiling Soma.

Kota:Wait don't tell me he's finally smile.


Kenta:And that's how to make Soma smile.

Yuu:Wow you really great to make people cheer up.

Kenta:Yeah let's get back to Fenrir I'm tired you know.

Alisa:Yes we should.*Happy*

Kota:Oh why Miss Alisa looks really happy today is it because Mister Yuu is free today.

Yuu:Kota it's not like that.

Kenta:That's so funny now let's go home.

Next part:The secret mission

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