The Message

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Aki go back to the Den with scared face. Sakuya and everyone else who stand infornt of her.

Sakuya:Yuu tell me everything! What did you do to Kenta?!

Sakuya really mad and slap Aki.

Aki:Sakuya, I'm sorry.

Sakuya:You know what you've done! It's all your fault he become monster. He's no longer Kenta that we know.

Alisa try to comfort Sakuya.

Yuu:Crying wouldn't do anything to him Sakuya. I know you're sad. Tsubaki call us let's go everyone.

Tsubaki:Good morning everyone. I think we all know what happen to Kenta. He left us this video and he say to me to open it when he turn evil.

Kenta video:

Hey guys, I know it's not easy to say this but i will turn evil one day and when that day come please kill me. That's the only thing that I know. Thank you so much for becoming my family. Stand by my side when I give up. I'm sorry If I'm losing control that time I can't remember you guys. I hope you guys do the right thing before it's too late. I will not forget you guys so easy after what you guys done to me. Soma, you're the most badass man I ever seen in my life. You're killing and doesn't give a damn about aragami but you still care about your family. Kota, the most annoying person I ever seen in my life. Don't forget me buddy. I'm sorry I doesn't watch bugarally to much. Alisa, I always see you with Yuu. I know you guys have a relationship I know that. Don't forget my tips I suggest and you will get Yuu Kannagi. Big sis Tsubaki, thank you for taking care of me with full of love. I will never forget the moment you and Lindow help me. Aki, about your brother I'm really sorry I can't safe him. I'm too weak that time. I promise to him to take care of you even though you hate me. I will still protecting you. Yuu, to be honest I never expected you will be stronger than anyone else,but Lindow said that you're the great potential and there is something that I can learn from you. And lastly Sakuya, you're the strongest woman Sakuya. You see many people death even you give up once you always find the way to rise up again. Lindow must be really proud of you. and as your lil bro I'm also proud. Thank you everyone for supporting me till this time.

End of Kenta video

Sakuya crying really hard.

Sakuya:Ken.. Ta. I'm sorry I can't safe you.

Yuu:Sakuya, Kenta want us to fight him. This is our time. You want him to be proud of you then let's fight him.

Aki:I... I can't my guilty to him still there. I just care about killing him but I doesn't know the burden that he always carried.

Soma:There is no other way Sakuya.

Alisa:If that what he want.

Kota:Then we need to give it to him.

Tsubaki:I'm really sad to say this but everyone get ready it's time to kill Kenta. Now, the mission is "operation omega".

They go to old city to confront Kenta once and for all.

Next part:Battle Between Family

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