Wandering Soul

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The storyteller

Aegis island is partially destroyed due to a surprise attack by the aragami Alda Nova. The director of Far East Branch was killed in the collapse of aegis island the same day. Such was the official line by Fenrir HQ soon buried along with the ark project. The pain of countless deaths had yet to heal before life started to go back to normal.

Back to our heroes.

Yuu:Congratulations for becoming the new director Dr sakaki.

Dr Sakaki:Thank you Yuu.

Aki:That's great to see you becoming director.

Kota:What should we call you now. Director Sakaki?

Dr Sakaki:Just call me Dr Sakaki just like always. Anyway, where is Kenta?

Sakuya:I think he still repairing people god arc.

Dr Sakaki:I see. It was his punishment doesn't it.

Go to Kenta

Kenta:Give me hammer.

Licca take a hammer and give it to Kenta.

Kenta:Now screwdriver...and done. Really perfect.


All the 1st unit member please come to the meeting room.

Kenta:I guess my time is out. See ya Licca.

Licca:He always like that.

Meeting room.

Tsubaki:I assume everyone arrive.

Alisa:Kenta still doesn't arrive.

Kenta:Are you guys sure about that?

Yuu:How can you be this fast?

Kenta:Long story and I doesn't want to short it.

Tsubaki:Back to the mission. You guys need to hunt hannibal. Kenta?

Kenta:Yeah,yeah I'm listening.

Tsubaki:You guys understand that doesn't you.

Everyone:Yes ma'am.

Tsubaki:Time to go everyone. Be careful and don't die.


They go to wailing plains. When they on the plane,Aki make a conversation with Alisa.

Aki:Alisa,am I still bad?

Sakuya:What are you saying?

Aki:I heard Kenta talk to Yuu that he doesn't want me to become his love anymore he say that he just going to become a friend.

Alisa:Hey, don't worry. I think Kenta still can't accept love for now.You know after what happen. But I'm sure he will fall in love with you again when he can accept that. He will accept back you when the time is come but you need to be patient.

Aki:Alright, then.

Back to the fourth horseman.

Yuu:So how was it?


Kota:You know repairing some stuff you doesn't get tired.

Kenta:I do sometime but life is life you need to keep forward and let the past go. If I doesn't betray Fenrir before maybe this wouldn't happen. But I'm happy I know many person that I want to meet.

Soma:Good for you, I guess.


They arrive at wailing plains.

Soma:So where's the aragami?

Kenta:Dammit, We're death.

Kota:What? Why?

Yuu:Kota, just look behind you.

Aki:We need to finish it.

Alisa:Get ready.

They grab their god arc and attack that hannibal. But that hannibal block their attack. After another attack they manage to defeat it.

Next part:Immortal Aragami

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