Shio Song

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Kota:What?!How can that happen?

Aki:She's really strong.

Kota:So why did you call me?

Kenta:Save shio of course.

Kota:Let's go.

Kenta, Yuu, Kota and Soma go to temple to save shio.

Yuu:Let's split up to find shio.

After split up Kenta, Yuu and Kota see 3 different aragami.

Kenta:Guys I have aragami on my side here.

Kota:Same, Yuu.

Yuu:I also have one the only one left is Soma.

Kenta:Soma, You're the only hope find Shio.

Meanwhile Soma go inside the temple.

Soma:Hey... Are you in here, Shio?

Shio:Nope, not in here!

Soma:Alright, play times over. We have to go back to the Den.

Shio:I don't wanna wear the scratchy thing...

Soma:Heh.. Still an aragami, just moving on instinct.



Shio:Are you still mad at me?You were.. You were really mad before..

Soma:Yeah. It wasn't you okay?

Shio:Soma,be honest. I did something that's bad, didn't I? Mm... I don't wanna be scratchy to Soma... I did something wrong didn't I?

Soma:Listen to you come so far... If I could only live for a minute like you... Forget myself and forget all of this for even just a minute... Heh, I probably like it too much.



Shio:Do you taste good? I don't know if you do...

Soma:Hehe..well okay. I guess there's only one way to find out, isn't there?
We are close. Closer than I thought. Simply by virtue of being the only ones in the world like us.

Shio:So Soma and I are the same!

Soma:Only because we're stuck and lost...

Shio:Then let's go find ourselves!

Soma:*Blush*Come on with that...

Kota:Shioooo!Come on out Shio!

Soma:You know what Shio? It's a vaccination to them... But those guys? They have to inject themselves with aragami cells, just to have hope of surviving... Heh they were more lost and afraid than we are.

Shio:Yes, they're lost and afraid like us. They are like us our friends..i can feel it...

Soma:Maybe they are... Come on let's head home now.

After that they hear song from nowhere and Shio want to hug Soma.

The den.

Dr sakaki:Congratulations you guys you guys did well.Kenta, Yuu you two okay.

Kenta:*close Dr mouth*

Dr sakaki:What is it?

Yuu:You know what will happen if that women hear that we injure right?

Dr sakaki:Oh, Alisa and Aki I forget they really worried if you guys injure even it just a scratch.

Alisa:What did you just say Dr?

Aki:You injured?

Kenta:No no no I'm totally fine.

Yuu:There's nothing to worry.

Shio:Kenta and Yuu injure.

Alisa and Aki:What!!!?

Kenta:Damn.Why Shio just why?? *sad*

Yuu:We're dead Kenta we're dead.

Aki:Which part did you injured?

Kenta:I'm fine okay you doesn't need to worry about me.

Alisa:Yuu, Why you don't tell me about this?

Yuu:I don't want you to worry okay.

Kenta:Listen Aki I know that you worry about me but I'm fine.


Kenta:*Smile and nods*

Alisa:Are you going to be okay Yuu?

Yuu:Yes you doesn't need to worry about me I'm totally fine.

Dr Sakaki:Anyway you three you three should dress Shio.

Sakuya:Oh yeah I forgot about let's go Aki, Alisa.

They go back to that room.

Kenta:Dr Sakaki I have one question. I think we should talk about it alone.

Dr Sakaki:What is it? It's look important.

Kenta:When I was fighting that aragami I feel like something wrong I feel a magnificent power inside me.

Dr Sakaki:Well then I will give you this book you need to read it yourself. Maybe there is answer about that.

Sakuya:Guys we have finish. And ta.. daa

Yuu:Wow it's pretty cute.

Kenta:Great job Sakuya!

Sakuya:I thought so! Just like a little girl huh?

Shio:Huh? Do I? Huh. He hehehe!

Kota:That's really something else. Looks amazing right Soma?

Soma:Yeah, I guess it's cute...

Kota:Honesty? From Soma? Are you alright?

Shio:I feel like... Really so good!

Shio sing a song and make everybody surprise.

Shio:Hehehe! Did you guys ever hear that? It's called a song. It's pretty.


Alisa:Oh my... That was incredible Shio.

Shio:It was... Was it good job?Hehehe! I did a good job.. Hehe!And now I can't stop smiling.

Sakuya:Where did you learn that? it was so beautiful.

Shio:Huh? Soma and I heard it together!

Kota:You did what?

Sakuya:Well then my my my Soma.

Alisa:Oh you heard it together, hm. Is that right?

Yuu:Seriously Soma. *laugh*

Aki:That's so funny.


Soma:That just...

Kota:When did you two find the time to get all buddy buddy, eh, buddy?

Soma:Damn, better to be loner after all. Can you stop whispering Kazuma!!


Next part:Special mission

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