Wake Up On The Medic Room

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As he wake up he see Licca and that mystery teen infront of him.

??? :At last you've awakened.

Licca really worried.

Licca:Thank goodness you're awake. You were crazy! Please promise me don't do that again. That oracle cell could have devoured you and anything could happened to you... I should tell everyone that you're awake. They are really panic especially Alisa. I stop by later okay? Now, get some rest.

Licca come out from medical room.

Yuu:Pheww, I'm glad I'm safe.

???:Licca really something, isn't she? She's nice and truly know how to make god arc tick.

Yuu:Sorry, but who are you?

Ren:Oh, I'm sorry for not introducing myself yet. I'm a news god eater .I've been assigned to the medical unit. Please call me Ren. I was suppose to join tomorrow but luckily my schedule got pushed up. My specialty is military medicine. Research on aragami infection prevention and cure. This branch is truly at the front lines. I hope i dont end up hindering anyone.

Yuu:Alright, but I think I'm need some rest.

Ren:Oh, forgive me you're still not well. Lie down and get some rest. Feel better.

As Yuu close his eyes Ren come out from medic room Suddenly...

Kenta:Thank you for looking Yuu for us.

Ren:I'm little bit surprise to see you here Mr Kenta.

Kenta:Just call me Kenta. I'm not old yet. Anyway, Ren right?If you need some help always rely on me. I will do my best to help.

Ren:Thank you. If you don't mind I want to go.


Ren leave and Omega starts talking to Kenta.

Omega:Don't get too close with him Kenta. He's not a normal creature.

Kenta:Wait what? You know something about him Omega.

Omega:There's no point to tell you this Kenta.

Kenta:Whatever. It doesn't matter right? The only thing that matter is Lindow...

Omega:Are you going to continue investigate that.

Kenta:Of course I do. I know there is something that Lindow knows but we don't. The way aragami look at me just like that aragami already know me for a long long time.

Omega:What if he... You hate hannibal don't you. Are you going to do that.

Kenta:If there is way to turn people into aragami there must be the way to turn it into human back. I just need to find the answer Lindow left me. His armlet I'm sure Sakuya doesn't look into one file.

Omega shock with Kenta sentence.

Omega:What file?

Kenta:Lindow personal file. That file inside his armlet.That file contain all of his secret but there is one problem the password. Until now I don't know the password.

Omega:So what should we do now?

Kenta:Find the password at his room.

Omega:Isn't Yuu on that room?

Kenta:That's the problem I need some strategy to get some of Lindow thing on that room and find the answer. Omega this is going to be tough.

Next part:Lindow's memory.

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