Enter The Resonance

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Yuu and Kenta arrive at Lindow's Memory.

Yuu:What is this place?

Kenta:Is this Den?Omega you hear me...Omega?

Omega:Yeah, what's the problem?

Kenta:Wait, I hear your voice but not from this armlet.Wait a minute...

Kenta turn back and see one teen standing in front of them.

Kenta:O... Omega? Is that you?

Omega:Yeah, don't be surprise. I can turn to this form if I want.

Kenta:So, wait you can get out from me whenever you want?

Omega:Yeah, but only you that can see me but at this mind world everyone that enter can see me.

Yuu:Back to our mission, what should we do now?

Ren:We need to reach Lindow and fight that Aragami.

Yuu:Sounds pretty... Wait, Kenta is that you?


They both look back on the memory of when Lindow first started being an instructor to Kenta.

Lindow:(That kid must be trouble. I don't know what should I do with him.) Lindow:Hey kid,my name is Lindow Amamiya,just a Lindow for you kid. Listen to me this is my first time I become the instructor so please don't make any trouble ok.

Young Kenta:Fine if you doesn't ordering me around.

Yuu:Wow, you don't change at all. You still has that face since you young.

Kenta:Sometimes, nothing's change.

Yuu:And your reaction.

Kenta:Yeah, back when I still can't control my anger and..... Yeah I'm suck that time. But his sentence....

Kenta starts to hold his grip but he keep patient and say to Yuu.

Kenta:So that's what he said before he meets me.(Damn you Lindow, after this thing is over, I'll punch you in the face.)

Ren:Guys come here. Look at this.

They see Lindow's talking to Yuu.

Lindow:Hey, rookie how are you?

Yuu:This is when he ask me a dumb question.

Kenta:Maybe. Anyway, we should reach Lindow's Resonance.

Ren:You're right. Omega can you pave the way and find it.

Omega:No problem. I will make it done. Three, two, and one. Done.

Kenta:So we should walking to that place am I right?

Ren:Correct, to meet Lindow you two needs to keep hoping and you're going to find him in no time.

Omega:Are you guys ready? This is going to be tough.

Kenta:We're ready.

Ren:Good, but there is an obstacle you guys needs to face before you guys can find Lindow.

They all walked towards Lindow's Resonance. While walking they found Black Hannibal but they defeated it easily, then they continued their journey and found another black Hannibal and once again managed to defeat it.

Yuu:When are we gonna meet Lindow?

Ren:We already arrive.This is the place.

Yuu:This is the place where we leave him.

Kenta:This place, huh. Fine, let's find him and finish it.

Yuu:Let's do this.

Next part:True moon in the welkin

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