Aragami Girl

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They all come back to Fenrir and they all hide that girl.In their way they see Kenta,Tatsumi and Brendan.

Yuu:Hey what's happen?

Kenta:Nothing but someone just get mad because I defeat him 5 time.

Brendan:You're just lucky.

Tatsumi:Even I don't win I'm happy to see you lose.

Sakuya:That's good.

Kota:Yeah yeah Yuu shouldn't we need to see Dr Sakaki now.

Yuu:Oh you're right let's go.

When they walk away Kenta feel something doesn't right.

Tatsumi:Kenta are you okay.


Brendan:Your face just like you want to investigate something.

Kenta:Hahahah. why should I do that?(They're right I'm investigating something.They look really weird.You guys can lie everyone with that face but not me I make that same face to Lindow two years ago.)

At the Dr sakaki room

Aki:So who is she?

Dr sakaki:She's an aragami.

Everyone on that room surprise except Soma and Dr Sakaki.

Sakuya:Did you just say what I think you just said you said?

Dr Sakaki:I can say it again,but I assure it will be no different.This is an aragami.

Aki:I'm scare!!

Kota:No way.Mm-mm.No!


Dr sakaki:Now,now,be at ease.I promise on my scientist's honor that this aragami has no desire to eat you.Aragami are monster yes and they all share a certain trait. We refer it as "Bias" You follow?

Aki:It's an aragami coding.Their predatory nature.

Alisa:Our god arcs have same thing.That's how innately know to Devour.

Dr Sakaki:Correct as usual you two.There sorts of things are second nature to a God Eater of your caliber.

Kota:Wait what?

Soma:Of course..

Dr Sakaki:This Aragami's Bias is unlike any before.It has predilection only towards beasts of a higher order.As far as she concerned,we puny humans don't even register as a kind of food.You see this is the common misconception.Aragami aren't simply born with the characteristics of other life forms!Not at all!They simply advance at a breakfast pace as they Devour more and more each day.As a result,all the possibilities of evolution are condensed into such a short period of time!Choices and change some rapidly.And those moments make an aragami precisely what it is!

Sakuya:So you're calling me that this child.....

Dr Sakaki:Exactly!As humankind did,she found a set skills and stalled here in her process.It's quite remarkable.really.She's an aragami evolving in the same way a human might.

Soma:This child is both?An aragami and a human?

Dr sakaki:Yes.Well no.Well,based on the examination I ran earlier...Her cracial nerves and synapses - Oracle cells acting as cranial nerves and synapses - function pricesly as a human might.She has a incredible capacity to learn - clearly.As evidence by her use of language - and she holds much potential.

Kota:Alright so doc.

Dr sakaki:Yes Kota.

Kota:I think I followed along and got the gist.... Okay,it was over my head.But regardless,I'm a little confused.So she's talking about food about being hungry... What exactly do you think she means?

Aragami girl:Foood!

Kota:Cause you know it's a little ominous.

Dr sakaki:The bias of an aragami dictates it's dinner choices.As a rule,they will not partake of anything like unto themselves.You understand? That's said in times of dire need - uh now they gobble up anything they can get mitts paws or claws on survival comes first after all.Of course that's just exception to the rule,as all good rules must have.Hehe.The word aragami is actually merely an epithet for the creatures.It emerged shortly after their arrival.Many of these monsters appeared in the shape of gods or god like beings. And here's the rub.What thought process,what evolutionary trick caused them to adopt such forms?They emulate creatures humanity has worshipped for age.And how did we come to worship them.This aragami child bucked that trend,she managed to to instead emulate a human.It's beyond rare;it's unheard of.But I digress and I ramble,I think you are all well and throughly matched by this study group.So I leave you with this and I think it best let keep this little secret amongst ourselves hm?No need to let the news get out and about.

Sakuya:Doctor we need to report this to the the director.

Dr sakaki:Miss tachibana You're an exalted God eaters.A stalwart defender of humankind Noble and Brave.Do you mean to tell your superior that I in your trust stole an aragami smuggled her to the forward command and plan to keep her?

Sakuya:Well I... Well,um.... *sigh*no but why?

Dr sakaki:Did I not mention that?I thought I mentioned that because she's valuable sample.Simply perfect to my own personal sample nothing more than that really Very simple.

Yuu:How about Kenta why you doesn't want to tell him about  this.

Dr sakaki:You know Yuu he no longer trust me after what I did to him.So for now on I will not tell him.

Yuu:But what if he find out about that?

Dr sakaki:We just need to keep this secret.Most important is I think she need some friend.I feel she will find a particular affection for you Soma.

Soma:You're out of your mind!She may pretend well but she is not human just an appromixation.She still monster on the inside.

Dr Sakaki:Now the question.... Will the god win out over the human.Or will human succeed and take place of the god let the Journey Begins.

Next part:Investigate

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