An Anxious Ally

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Old city

Kenta:So here we are old city again and again.Anyway, focus we need to kill that aragami and... Oh here is it.

That aragami rush to them but luckily they prepare for it.

Kota:Okay, this thing starts to annoy me.

Aki:Can we just kill it now?

Soma:I just want to finish this quick.

They all attack that aragami together.

Kenta:Already, fall?

Yuu:That's quite fast...

Kota:And again Kota save the day the end.

Alisa:Strange my god arc wouldn't respond.

Hibari:God eater respond are you guys kill it.

Kota:Looks like it already death.

Kenta touch that aragami and find somethings wrong.

Hibari:Guys, the oracle respond it's still stable.

Kenta:I hate this aragami.

That aragami wake up and attack them.

Alisa:She's right get back.

They all retreat from that aragami and that aragami use that chance to escape.

Soma:Dammit, it trick us.

They all came back home and dissatisfied with their result. Licca have a talk with Yuu after they arrive.

Licca:Hey, there. Hibari told me the Nova managed to trick you guys and make a run for it. She wanted me to some research, so I took a look at the combat log. Oooh! That is a nasty piece of aragami.

Yuu:What do you mean by nasty by the way?

Licca:In a perfect world we'd have ourselves a little pow-wow about our options,but you and I know time is not on our side. When do I start.. Um... Hey did anyone ever tell you how the outer wall works? The big ol'one that encircles the whole branch? The super-super-super basic explanation is that the plating is inlaid with the bias factors. Particularly ones that the aragami don't want to eat. From what I discovered, the second nova operates on the same principles. The super super basic ones. It's got a ton of different Bias Factors inside because it devours other aragami and absorbs them. You see? Yeah?

Yuu:A little bit.

Licca:Kinda? No? Okay, it's like this... Your god arcs will react to the Nova the same way Aragami react to the wall. It's an unappetizing combination. Like... squid and peanut butter. This I imagine is why Alisa God Arc wouldn't function right. You see where I'm going with this? The nova will keep devouring, keep talking in weirder Bias factors. And that means our weapons will become less and less effective as the monsters gets strong.Still gotta keep your chin up, right? Stay positive! We'll find a way to break through that defense. Plenty of research still to be done. And you know me, I'm real good at research. Hahaha!

Yuu:I trust you. And I hope you can find the answer quickly.

Yuu meet Kota at elevator with worried face and ask him to sit down at the nearest bench after they get out from the elevator.

Yuu:Are you okay? You don't look so well today.

Kota:Nah, I'm fine. Just Soma. I hope Soma's doing all right... He's been back and forth between his lab and Sakaki's for days now. I don't know when he's sleeping... if he's sleeping. I guess he dug out some of his mom and dad's old research notes or something... That's what he said, anyways. He was grumbling about his dad, and you know how Soma gets when he's on a rant like that. He can curse very creatively. But he had this look in his eye. It was driven, but almost excited. I was glad. Really. He seemed to be getting all this. Accepting his parents, regardless of the, uh... Problems. And then the Nova they created turns into something like this... Heh... It'd be way too much for me to deal with. Argh! It's the same thing that happened with Alisa! I... I don't know how to help him. How's to... make it better again. And of course I always come whining to you for help...

Yuu:I'm fine with it. Also, you always raise everyone's spirits.

Kota:I don't know... Seems kinda far fetched, doesn't it?It would be pretty sweet if that's true though. Let operation:Laughing Soma begin!It is only now I've realize I've never gotten him to crack a smile.

Attention 1st unit please go to the meeting room now.

Yuu:Let's go.

Meeting room.

Tsubaki:Hello, everyone you guys are here today because we detect that Nova probably at Tranquil temple. You guys need to defeat it and devour it this time.

Aki:Let's hope we survive this one. Right everyone?

Soma:I guess so.

Kenta:(Something wrong with him.)

Next part:1st unit defeated

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