The Den Under Attack

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Yuu come out from medic room to see Hibari.

Yuu:Hey, Hibari.

Hibari:So, how's your rest?

Yuu:I just want to get back on the mission. This feel doesn't right at all.

Hibari:Yeah, maybe.

Suddenly they hear the alarm and announcement.

This is an emergency broadcast! An aragami incursion has occurred! Breach in Training area 2.I repeat there's been a breach. An aragami 8s loose inside the Den! Converge on Training Area 2.This is not a drill!

Hibari:The floor's going to be closed down and sealed off in five minutes. We need you to evacuate immediately. Any other floor will do.Who's closest.Defense squad. Come in Tatsumi, do you read me? Over. No stop! Just shup up for once! There's been an incursion. We need you back in the Den, now! Please hurry.

Yuu feels he needs to do something and help everyone. So he went to the god arc storage and looked for his god arc. As he entered he met licca.

Licca:What are you doing here? You have to evacuate. I know you want to help, but you can't. And you can't charge in there and die if you don't have a god arc. Come on, as soon I lock these up we're getting outta here.

He saw all the god arcs closed except for one god arc which was Lindow's god arc. So he rushed there. Licca who saw the thing forbade Yuu to take it.

Licca:Stop, no! You can't! That's Lindow's God arc!

Yuu ignored licca and take Lindow's god arc.

Licca:Let it go! Your body can't handle a foreign god arc! It'll turn the Oracle Cells and devour you. Let it go!

Suddenly aragami came breaking the storage wall and made Licca faint.

Hq:The aragami has broken through into the God Arc armory. Evacuate immediately. Repeat. The aragami has breached the Armory. Evacuate immediately!

Yuu finally manages to take Lindow's god arc and prepares to fight the aragami.

Yuu:I will not run as long as I live.

Yuu swung the god arc and hit the aragami.Unfortunately the aragami is still standing firm. Yuu suddenly got a memory and a picture of aragami.
He sees Lindow and he can't control his body and feels pain.


That Aragami took the opportunity to attack Yuu but that attack was blocked by someone who shot it.

???:You must stand.

He keep shooting that aragami.

??? :Quick finish it now.

Yuu:Take this aragami.

That aragami die. Yuu who can't control Lindow god arc fainted.

???:Are you well?

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