Special Mission And Signal Tracking

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Yuu:You call me director?

Director:Good to see you again. Believe it or not. I continued to hear much of your accomplishment whilst I travelled through Europe on business. I am proud to see that you have been living up to my expectations. As director of Far East, I extend my gracious thanks. I'll hope you forgive me for lack of formality, but I'm pressed for time, so I'll get right to it. I summoned you here to continue our conversation from before I left. Concerning special mission and tasks. These operations will be varied in nature,their objectives will run the gamut, but they all share one rule. They are to be performed under my direct supervision. You will report to no one but me. Needless to say, this applies need to any material and rewards you may receive during the missions as well. Each and every one of this missions operates under a strict standard of confidentiality. Due to their sensitive nature, they will be performed most often alone. Only rarely will you require a team. In return of your service, I'll gladly provide you with approximate monetary value of the rare items that you collect and return. I know you. You are strong and resourcesful God Eater, strong enough to accomplished anything you intend to. I would not trust you otherwise. Each mission I ask of you is a direct mark of my faith. Lindow he served me well in this same capacity. He was an extraordinary warrior and a good man. Losing him was a devastating blow, not just to his allies, but to me as well. I was fortunate to find you. A god eater with a potential to be strong, perhaps stronger, than he. I will depend on your assistance and your discretion. Thank you.

Yuu:I understand.

Outside director room

Soma:So... He finally summoned you too.

Yuu:What are you doing here?

Soma:It's not your problem but I will say this once. Don't trust him. He pull strings you can't even imagine. You may become just like everyone else who got trick. That's only.

Soma leaves after that word.

Yuu:It's looks like Tsubaki call all 1st unit member.

At entrance

Tsubaki:We have confirmed the strange signal emanating from today's target... It matches with Lindow armlet. It could be some kind of mistake, but there is a good chance you will see Lindow killer. It will be grueling fight. There's no denying that. But after running a number of scenarios, we've determined you can defeat it. Do not be swayed by thought of vengeance. If you are to fight this beast, you must do it with caution and strategy.


Sakuya:Lindow... Finally we have this chance... Finally.

They go to temple to find that aragami they see one aragami and kill it.


Kota:Did you find it?

Yuu:Unfortunately no.

Sakuya:It's not here.

Alisa:The research unit let us get our hopes up and everything and then...

Kenta:Maybe it's running when it see us.

Aki:It's possible.

Suddenly they hear aragami growling.

Kenta:What was that?

Yuu:Let's check it out.

They see dyaus pita in front of them.

Kenta:That..... Was......

Yuu:Aragami that Lindow fight.

Anger in Kenta eyes means something Aki know that more than anyone else and try to calm him.

Aki:Kenta, don't let it distract you please.

That dyaus pita leave.

Sakuya:You can't just flee forever. One way or another we will hunt you down. Just wait...

At Sakuya room

Sakuya and Alisa talk about something.

Alisa:Sakuya, I'm sorry we couldn't do it today...

Sakuya:Can I tell you the truth? I.... I'm actually relieved.


Sakuya:I thought I had everything under control, but... I nearly lost it. Deep down, there's still a part of my heart holding out hope that Lindow's alive. If we find that armlet, part of me will be gone... He'll be gone. In that moment... When he was facing death, and chose to fight even though he knew there was no way... I'm scared right now it's nebulous and empty and theories, but something so small could make it real again.

Alisa:Right... R-right! You just need to pull yourself together. Come on, Sakuya.

Next part:Kota determination

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