Determined At Heart

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Next day

They both meet Ren and talk before leaving.

Ren:Are you guys already make your mind?


Yuu:We will defeat it and we're going to save Lindow no matter what.

Kenta:This is between live or death. We will save him and turn him back.

Ren:If you guys said so.

They started their journey to aegis island.

Aegis Island

Upon entering they found a black Hannibal standing waiting for them.


Yuu:We're going to save you Lindow.

Kenta:And end your suffering.

Meanwhile, at the Den.

Hibari:Confrimed.That signature was a black hannibal.It has calimed dominion over what remains or Aegis Island.Yuu and Kenta went after it...I don't know if they plan of fighting it or saving it,but...They just go only two of them.

Kota:That's so crazy! What made them go there?

Aki:I can't believe this. No way their rushing to that place.

Soma:Because they're stupid. Come on, gather your Arcs. We're going right now.

Tsubaki:Hold on! No one moves. Not yet.

Sakuya:What are you talking about?

Tsubaki:The black Hannibal... Somehow Lindow was infected. He became something that cannot be controlled. Yuu and Kenta went to protect all of you. To save you and finish this once and for all.

Alisa:But we are team.

Tsubaki:Sakuya... Are you ready to point your arc at Lindow?

Sakuya:I... Tsubaki...

Tsubaki:And what about the rest of you? Do you think you could take aim at your teacher? You don't have choice anymore. You must be ready. I hereby issue a Special Operation. Your target is Black Hannibal that has taken Aegis. You're hunt it and destroy it.

Everyone shock with Tsubaki mission.

Tsubaki:It's power grows every moment. Take it down and end this here and now. Be aware, the Aragami can regenerate, and it's stronger than any you've faced. As of now, it has upper hand. Extract the core, and retreat immediately. Am I understood? 1st Unit, am I understood?


Tsubaki:Not you Sakuya, I won't allow you to grieve over and over again. It's not right to make hurt him.

Sakuya:No, I refuse to obey. I love him, Tsubaki. And I can't... I can't let him die. Kenta has courage to do it and so do I.

Tsubaki:*sigh*All right.

Kota:Yeah, we'll do it. We don't have option do we? I mean it's no one things to say we can't but it's another to actually know and to really... to really...

Soma:Hey, our only calling is too bring back those two idiot. We've been carried through every day. Now it's our turn to take up the banner.

Alisa:Maybe we think it too much but...

Aki:But I think we will find a way.That we can fix this. I know it. Sorry, Alisa.

Alisa:They both never give up. To charge in without a hope.

Tsubaki:Alisa, Aki... I pray that you are right. All right God eaters. Prepare for combat and when you get there give those two idiots a message from me. If I don't see them back here safe and sound... I'll kill them myself.

Back to the Aegis Island.

Yuu:Kenta, now!!

Kenta:Take this!

That black Hannibal fall down.

Yuu:We did it.

Kenta:Yeah, I guess so.

Next part:Don't run away

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