Stolen Singularity

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Dr Sakaki Lab

Shio wake up.

Dr Sakaki:Good morning, you're awake.

Shio:Good morning.

Dr Sakaki:Now then is this Shio speaking to me? Or... Am I talking to a god? She Who Will Devour All The Stars?

Shio:I wonder... If stars taste good.

Soma:I don't think so. And their worlds are no better. This one is drowning in so much filth, I can't imagine who would want it.

Shio:Ah. Okay.If this world is bad though, then why do I... Well sometimes... "I need to devour"...

Kenta:Not again... Please.

Yuu:I feel something.

Dr Sakaki:We can get you food, don't worry! Quick! Food!

Shio:Ah, food. Doctor, you are a good doctor.

While Shio eating they 4 talking to each other.

Soma:How long is this gonna keep going? These little episode of hers?

Dr Sakaki:You guys know about it a much as I. She only recently started exhibiting human traits. But since that day she's been unstable at best. There is a chance that it is her souls. Her duality is at war inside her. On the one side, her humanity and the other...

Soma:The Singularity inside her...

Dr Sakaki:Yes correct. I think you've realize it already. I'm sure. It was those missions your after sent to you on. The Singularity is part of her core. And without it there can be no devouring apocalypse,and no final days. I am not willing to hand it over to Johannes. Not until I am certain what it is capable of. I know there is another potential inside her. I... I can feel it. And I plan to test it, one way or the other.

Soma:Listen old man, I don't give crap about either of your plans. And I'm noy taking sides in this damned fight. So hear me now... If you think we're just strings to be pulled, then you're just as bad as him.

Dr Sakaki:I assure you. Your worries are unfounded. I have done nothing to Shio, and I will do nothing. All she needs is company and companionship. As you've been sharing with her. And I think that in time, she'll be able to--

Suddenly the power went off

Kenta:Old man?

Soma:Damnit! What was that?!

Yuu:What just happen?

Dr Sakaki:I... I don't know. Well, worry not. The back up generator should kick into motion at any moment. Oh.

Kenta:What do you mean by oh?

Director:Doctor Sakaki, how nice to know where you are.

Dr Sakaki:No... No! Damn it all, no!

Kenta:What the hell Old man!?

Dr Sakaki:The back up generator - - I should have known! - - it's only activated during emergencies... It's controlled by the Branch!It bypasses app of the extra security I've set around this room! They've found us!

Yuu:So that mean... It's exposed!

Soma:Curse that bastard and his trick!

Dr Sakaki:Our cover's blown! We're done for!

Kenta:This is going to be hard.

Meanwhile,Kota and his family is enjoying watching movie together suddenly the power of their house blackout for a few second. After the power was back on. they hear one news.

Reporter:We interrupt this broadcast for a critical news bulletin. Moments ago, Fenrir's far East Branch came under assault from an unidentified aragami. At this time we have a little details. The number of casualties and the extent of damage are still unknown. In the wake of this unprecedented assault upon the branch. We await an announcement from Fenrir 'S Press and Information Bureau.

Kota who shock calling Dr sakaki.

Kota:Come on... Answer, answer, answer! Sakaki! I finally got through. What's going on over there?

Dr Sakaki:Sorry, I'm getting a host of static on my end.

Kota:I just saw the report on the news. The Den has been attacked?! Tell me that everyone's all right!

Dr Sakaki:It's shio.


Dr Sakaki:She has been taken!


Dr Sakaki:I knew they we're on to me, but I never thought they would stoop to this. Such violence. I abhor violence!

Kota:Doc, what are you talking about? What's going on? Is everyone is still okay?

Dr Sakaki:The... First unit.... Is.

Kota:Doc? Doc! Dammit! I can't hear a thing.

Dr Sakaki:We must rendezvous... Immediately... Gather at... Den.... We.... Must go af.... Her!

Kota:I'm, I'm on the way, I won't let you down.

Kota mom and his sister looks worried about Kota. While Kota go prepare himself to go back to the Den.

Kota mom:You're going after all, aren't you? To the Den.

Kota:Mom! I.... I have to. I'm so sorry, I lied. I lied to everyone. I promised you a place we could live without fear but it's gone. It never was.

Kota mom:I know. I know, sweetheart. Look, they're even sent these tickets to our home... What you did, what you wanted to do... It made your mother smile. But we're not going anywhere. Your sister and I are going to stay right here in this house. And we'll be waiting when you get back.


Kota mom:I promise you one thing the only paradise that we could ever want is being with you, Kota. That's all we need to be happy.

Kota:Alright, I'll be home safe and sound. I promise. Love you.

Kota leave and go to far east branch.

Next part:The first unit

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