Lindow Will

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Tsubaki:We are now certain that Lindow armlets is sending out signals. The aragami from before has made another appearance. We're dispatching you immediately. As always stay calm, focus on the battle at hand, and do not relent. Come home safely.

All 1st unit member :Yes ma'am.

Old city.

Kenta:That aragami is right here. Lindow I will carry your will.

Yuu:Kenta, do not let hatred burn inside you.

Kenta:Thanks Yuu let's go.

Sakuya:It's moving.

Alisa:Time to shoot.

Soma:I will kill that aragami.

They attack aragami together and kill it.


Alisa:Devour... I think I got something.

Sakuya:This.... This is it, isn't it? It's his Armlet. His... His Armlet. No... Lindow... Nooo...I give up. I.... I doesn't even know myself anymore how can I protect everyone without Lindow.

Alisa:I'm giving up.

Kenta:We can't give up now.Are you guys going to give up because Lindow death I also sad that Lindow death but I already make a promise with him promise that I will not forget ever. This is Lindow Will we will continue fight for everyone. Everyone on this planet count on us to help them. We will fight even without him.


Soma:Kazuma... You.

Yuu:He's right we can't even give up.We will fight till the end.

Back to the den

Sakuya:Alright let's open it up. There, we've passed authorization.

Alisa:one report file, one list... And look one project file too.And some kind of executable. What could be inside it? How could he even put that on here? Our best bet is to start from the top. Let's open the report first.

Sakuya:I knew it I knew he was keeping this from me. I just never expected...

They hear voice that Lindow record. It was his voice.

Lindow:There's no doubt in my mind aegis Project has been set up as a front for a secret initiative... The Ark project. It seems they've labeled it as "a plan to save true humanity," but details of the project are as yet unknown. During my investigation, I obtained what seems to be a directory of names. I've attached it for reference.

That record end

Sakuya:Ark Project? I don't remember that. Have you ever heard of it?

Alisa:No, this is the first time it's come up. Oh, wait, I think that list is connected. Open it up and let's take a look.

Yuu:These are all names, each linked with a part of the Ark Project. God eaters, engineers, family members?

Kenta:No way.... That's that's my father and mother name... And it's even Raymond name was there...

Alisa:But what's that for? Those names from all branches all over.

Sakuya:Let's leave the executable, I don't want to corrupt anything. Here, how about this? Aegis infiltration... Oh, Lindow... I'm gonna skip ahead a bit...

They move to another Lindow voice record.

Lindow:As I suspected, I'll have to investigate Aegis Island firsthand to get the full Intel on the ark project. I took advantage of a bug in the island's admin system to create an exploit that will crash their surveillance. I doubt it'll buy me much time, though. There'll be ni room for error.

End of recording

Alisa:He needed of proof of what was going on. I can't believe he was going to try sneak in.

Yuu:That's dangerous.

Kenta:That's the Lindow that I always know he always alone when it become serious.

Sakuya:Of course he would. Oh I can't believe I didn't see it. Everything ties together now. Everything! *sigh*I know what has to be done.

Alisa:Sakuya, you can't go alone. I know you need to finish what he started, but...

Sakuya:No that's not it. Do me a favor and forget about all this. I will too.

Kenta:Sakuya, whatever happen I want you to promise don't lost control and don't let anger conquering you okay?

Sakuya:Kenta...... I.....

Kenta:Listen I worried because I already think you as my big sister. I don't want to lost you the same way I lost Lindow. I can't protect Lindow but I promise to him to take care of you guys if you guys ever give up.

Sakuya:I promise but I want you guys to forget about it okay?

Alisa:Forget about this? Are you serious? Why?!

Sakuya:Just do this for me, please. Someone in Far East is involved, that much we know for certain. Someone powerful.

Alisa:Sakuya, no.... What if we tried to get a message out? HQ would have help!

Yuu:Sakuya right, I mean we have nothing. No more than Lindow did. How can we be sure we're not under surveillance already?

Sakuya:The terminal, comms, this whole room could be tapped and we wouldn't know. That's why we have to let it go.

Alisa:There's gotta be.

Sakuya:Forget about it. Please, Alisa. I know Lindow wouldn't want us getting hurt on some wild chase.


Sakuya:I want to be alone for a while, if that's okay can you three leave me alone?

Kenta:Yes let's go you two.

Sakuya seat on sofa and see Lindow picture.

Sakuya:I know, I know... But I can't Lindow... I can't let anyone else suffer for what I must do.

Next part:Abnormality

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