Alisa Determination

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All 1st unit member except Soma and Sakuya finish conversation with tsubaki

Tsubaki:That's all from me do you have any question.

Yuu:I wish that you send Alisa on this mission.I mean she's been train really hard.

Tsubaki:You too what you think.

Kenta:I agree.

Tsubaki:However that target is the same type as that one are you sure you want to go.

Alisa:Yes please let me go.

Tsubaki:very well but don't overdo it.


Yuu:I'll be with you so don't worry okay.

Kota:Hey Kenta look at them just like an ordinary couple right.

Kenta:Yeah but I think this is not the right time we gonna finish mission first after that we can talk about that.
Alright everyone let's go.

They arrive at Old city and meet that vajra unfortunately that vajra run away.

Yuu:Don't let it go away!We are going after it!

Kenta:It'll come after us if we keep together like this Disperse for now!Everyone watch your back!

Alisa see that vajra.But Alisa remember about her parents when she see that vajra.

Alisa:Mommy..... Daddy.

Yuu see Alisa and walk to her.Suddenly that vajra want to attack him Alisa see that about to happen and she shoots that vajra.After that Alisa.She sat up and cried.Yuu hug her to make her feel comfortable.

After finished mission they came back to the den.At the same time Sakuya still looking for Lindow missing.Suddenly....

*knock knock*

Sakuya:Who's that.

Alisa:It's me.

Sakuya:Oh Alisa wait for a minute.Are you okay Yuu and others really worried about you.

Alisa:What really.Tell them that I'm fine okay.I'm really sorry to make everyone worry about me.

Sakuya:You know you're the strong one after all.

Alisa:Oh no..I have all of you to thank for that.

Sakuya:I wish you could be as sweet in front Yuu and the other.

Alisa:*blush*But I.....

Sakuya:About Dr oguruma who came with with you from Russia branch. Just when I realise who he was I heard he'd transferred out of the Far East Branch tried to find out where's he'd gone but there's only report that he was on the way back to the Russia when an aragami attacked and kill him.It's not unfortunate... But something not right about it you know?

Alisa:Sakuya..... Will you let me help you?Atleast let me to do something to atone for what I did.

Sakuya:No... No Alisa you don't have
to make up for anything anymore...
I'm sure there's something else going on behind it all but you're right this involve you after all.The thing is I haven't been able to open a note Lindow left,and it's driving me crazy. It's the final clue.But in order to read this letter I'm going to need Lindow armlet.Will you help me look for it.You know I never thought he'd still be making me run on this circles even after death.

Alisa:Gor-ie nie mor-ie.... vypiesh do dna.

Sakuya:What's that mean?

Alisa:"Grief is no the ocean it's a bottle that can be drained".It's an old Russian proverb.

Sakuya:Is it thank you Alisa.

They continue drink the coffees that Sakuya made.

Next part:Boys on the mission

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