The Resonance

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Yuu pov

It's been 3 days after Lindow missing
Kenta still doesn't want to get out from his room I think I need to give him some time the same as Sakuya.Alisa still coma,only leave me Kota and Soma. I heard Alisa scream at  sick bay maybe i should pay her a visit.

Dr oguruma:You are Yuu Kannagi right.

Yuu:Yes I am.

Dr oguruma:You don't need to worry about her she's fine.She don't wake up yet she just scream.

Yuu:Can I take care of her.

Dr oguruma:Yes hope it doesn't bother you.

Yuu:I'm fine.*Smile*

Yuu touch Alisa and something happen he can look at Alisa memory.
Suddenly Alisa wake up.

Alisa:What happen?I can feel something.What did you see?


Alisa:Please don't leave me Yuu I'm scare.

Yuu:Don't worry I will not leave you I promise.(I must tell Kenta about this I think he know something about this.)

Yuu wants meet Kenta at his room.Yuu knock Kenta room.

Yuu:Kenta I need to see you please open the door.

Kenta:Leave me alone ok I'm not ready yet.

Yuu:This is not about mission,I can see Alisa memory when I touch her hand.

Hearing what Yuu said Kenta open the door.

Kenta:What did you just say?

Yuu:I say I can see Alisa memory.

Kenta:Come in.You say you can see Alisa memory right.Did you touch her hand?

Yuu:Yes that's what I do.

Kenta:It's called resonance.

Yuu:What is resonance?

Kenta:Resonance is a ability that new type have we can connect through their memory and see their past.

Yuu:Wait how did you know did you touch Aki hand.But that thing was..

Kenta:What no!Come on but that thing is her past.Listen Yuu now I want you to be on her side understand.

Yuu:Why me?

Kenta:Because you were the only one that understand her.Also I can see your future with her.*laugh*

Yuu:*Blush*What no.

Kenta:From now stay on her side if you have any mission tell me I will replace you.

Yuu:I understand.Thanks.

Kenta:For what?

Yuu:For telling me about resonance and for helping replace me.

Kenta:It's okay.

Yuu:I will leave now.

Kenta:(Lindow was right about him he's really kind.Lindow I will not make your sacrifice a waste.I will protect them I promise).

Yuu come back to sick bay and see Alisa sleeping.

Yuu:I need to touch her hand again.

Yuu see Alisa when she just a little kid.

Alisa memory

Alisa parents:Alisa where are you are you ready?


Alisa parents:Alisa where are you?!

Dyaus Pita eat Alisa parents

Alisa:Mommy Daddy I'm sorry.

Flashback when Alisa become god eater.

Dr oguruma voice:Listen Alisa that is your enemy the aragami.

Alisa:The ara.. gami?

Dr oguruma:Yes,Scary as all get out the aragami and last but not least the aragami that devour your mommy and daddy.

Lindow picture appear.

Alisa:Mommy.... Daddy.....

Dr oguruma:It's not going to be easy but you can pull the trigger.

Alisa:The trigger

Dr oguruma:Right.And that is what you should say when you pull the trigger Ajin duva touri.

Alisa:Ajin... duva..... touri.

Dr oguruma:That's right. That's the trigger that will turn you into a strong little girl.

Alisa wake up

Alisa:What?What was that.I can see your emotion flowing into my mind. Could it be it happened to you too,?


Alisa:I think I forgotten all about that day...until right now.I remember I play hide and seek with my parents at that building.Then they two say where are you here we come than they are shouting aragami it's an aragami.I should rushed ou then but I was too scare and I couldn't move.Daddy and mommy came to look for me but I heard a terrible growing and then right before my eyes! It's all my fault.

Yuu:Hey it's not your fault ok.*put his hand to alisa hand*

Alisa:That's why when they told me I was being considered as a new type god eater I thought I can get revenge to my parents.Yes that aragami the one who kill my parents.

Yuu hug her to make her more comfortable.

Alisa:Thanks Yuu,those warm emotions... I could feel them flowing into me.. and thanks for staying by my side.

Yuu:It's okay you should rest okay the more you rest the sooner you can go on the mission.

Next part:Life continue

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