(WinRina) It was just like before

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"Hey!"A girl screamed to the younger who suddenly bumped into her

"My apologies m'lady but I am in quite a situation so if you could just help me a bit here"The younger said and pulled the girl near her as guards started running past them

"Excuse my interruption M'lady but have you two seen a girl running by?"a guard approached

The younger didn't respond and just kept her body close to the other girl

"Yes,she ran to the woods"The girl replied and the guard bowed before running into the woods

"Release me"The girl said and the younger immediately removed her hands from her

"Tell me.....what had you done to be chased by guards of the royalty?"The girl asked

"I......I'm the......"the younger didn't finish her sentence and instead just looked at the girl infront of her

"Let me introduce myself,I am Yoo Jimin from the Far away lands.Now may I know your name?"The girl lent out her hand waiting for the latter girl to respond

"I am Kim Minjeong....."the younger replied and gave her hand to Jimin

"I see.......running away from the castle is never a good deed Princess,your majesty will look for you"Jimin said and Minjeong looked down

"Come on I'll bring you back to the castle,your majesty will be worried for their princess"Jimin said and Minjeong nodded following the lady as they walked

"This is a robbery give me your valuables or I will slit you two"A guy suddenly appeared and held a knife up at them

"M'lady do you mind? Close your eyes for me Princess"Jimin said and Minjeong just obeyed

Grunts could be heard and suddenly a loud thud came upon Minjeong's ears,she slowly opened her eyes and saw the guy earlier on the ground with jimin having her foot on his hand

"Shall we?"Jimin asked and lent out her hand

Minjeong took her hand as they started walking again towards the castle but not long the people of the town noticed them

"Princess Minjeong!"

"It's the Princess!"

They were surrounded by people but all of them scattered as the king came with his horse and looked at his daughter

"Running away from the castle is---"

"Never a good deed"Minjeong finished his words as he looked shocked

"Where?-----Yoo Jimin?"The King asked and Minjeong looked at the girl beside her,holding her hand

"A lovely afternoon to you,your Majesty"Jimin greeted and bowed

"You know my father?"Minjeong asked and the girl looked at her

"Tell me Princess why did you run away from home?"She asked Minjeong

"I.......did not want to marry a prince I had never met from another land"Minjeong replied and looked at her father

"I see......but we had our introductions just a little while ago,perhaps you could think about our marriage once again?"Jimin said which left Minjeong in Shock

"But you are not a prince!"Minjeong replied and her father got off from the horse

"I hadn't told you......you were marrying Princess Yoo Jimin of the Far away Lands"


"Ugh! My head hurts"Winter grunted as she opened her eyes

"Dreamed again? Let me guess,it's that same dream where you were a princess and you met a girl and you got married"Her roommate entered immediately asking questions

"Yes exactly! I don't know but it just felt real"Winter said and her roommate just shook her head

"Eat breakfast already,you're just hungry as always"Her roommate said which made her raise a brow

"I'm not like you Ning Yizhou"She said and stood up

"Shut up"Her roommate replied and she just laughs it off

She ate her breakfast and quickly got prepared for school,she left her roommate who was still fixing her stuff.They don't go to the same school but she always helped NingNing with her works since they've known each other for a long time now

"Give me your things and don't make a move"A guy suddenly went up behind her and planted a knife in her neck

Winter shaked from being scared and reached for her bag to get her money to give to the guy

"Excuse me but what the fuck are you doing?"

A girl suddenly walked towards them and the guy held out his knife to the girl but the girl kept walking.As she reached them she looked at Winter

"Would you mind? Could you close your eyes for me?"The girl asked

Winter closed her eyes tightly and she heard the guy scream,she opened her eyes again and saw the guy face planted on the floor and the girl standing over him

"Come on let's get you out of here"the girl said and lent out her hand

They made their way out of there as people suddenly gathered to look at the guy on the ground

"Winter! Oh my God! Why did you leave me?"NingNing came running to winter who was now at the bus stop

"Sorry"The only words that came out of Winter's mouth

NingNing looked beside winter and saw the familiar figure,the girl waved at her and smiled

"Karina?"NingNing asked and winter looked at the girl beside her

"It's been so long,how are you ning?"The girl asked

"You know each other?"Winter asked and Karina Looked at her

"She's the girl I was talking about winter! The girl that you were supposed to marry"NingNing said

"What!? You're joking.......my dad would never...."Winter replied and suddenly a call came in her phone

"Winter?"Her dad said on the other line as she picked up

"Dad? What is it?"Winter asked

"Winter........your Fiancè is in Korea Right now and I was wondering if you really didn't want to get married"Her dad said and she looked at Karina

"W-what's his n-name?"She asked anticipating

"His? Oh.....Right I didn't tell you....you're marrying a girl,her name is Karina"Her dad said and her eyes grew big and Karina smiled at her

"Now about that marriage? Do you think you can reconsider marrying me Princess Minjeong?"Karina asked

"Y-you....."winter stuttered and stopped

"Yes Minjeong......We were already once married"Karina said and gave Winter goosebumps as she remembered her dream

"H-how?.....did you come from the past or something?"Winter asked which caused Karina to laugh

"No,but I kept dreaming of it.I went to a Shaman and he told me that it happened a long time ago.......Where The Princess married another Princess"Karina said but winter didn't believe it

"I don't believe you! Show me a---"She stopped when Karina suddenly took out a picture

"This was from the shaman,he gave it to me"Karina said and showed it to Winter

It was a photo,looking old and there was some grey parts already but the faces could be seen.......It looked exactly like them,it was two princess's holding a baby.They seemed happy as they were showing their rings in the photo

"I met you for running away from the castle,I saved you from a thief......Minjeong it happened again,Today........this was fate........It was just like before"

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