(NingSelle) Pain

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"Hey come on we're gonna be late for the reception"Karina exclaimed from outside and Winter excitedly went out

"Wait unnie!"NingNing yelled as she had trouble pulling the zipper from her dress

"You look funny"Giselle joked and NingNing glared at her but she only gave a peace sign

"Here let me..."Giselle offered and took NingNing's hands off, pulling the zipper upwards in just a few seconds

"See? Wasn't that hard"Giselle said and cheekily smiled, going out as NingNing pouted behind her


"Giselle! Let go!"NingNing yelled as she pulled Giselle away

"No! It was supposed to be me!"Giselle yelled, letting go of the wire that she was holding and pushed NingNing away

"Giselle enough! You've caused too much trouble already"Karina warned

"I don't care! You don't know how it feels to have your loved one getting taken from you!"Giselle bursted into tears, kneeling as Karina sighs at her

"I don't..... But I know how to let go, I know how to forgive..... Now you have to learn as well because not everything can be ours Giselle..... Not everyone can be with us till the end of the day"Karina said

"Giselle she's already your past, you've broken up and now let go... The reason why we desperately wanted you to go was because we thought you would accept that...... I guess we were wrong"Karina added and left, storming off as Winter followed behind leaving NingNing and Giselle

"Giselle..... You shouldn't be sad..... You can't be like this for the rest of your life...."NingNing said and bent down as to face the crying girl

"What else am I gonna do?..... She was everything to me..."Giselle said and looked at NingNing

"Love someone else..... It's the only way to remove those feelings with her"NingNing replied

"Who am I gonna love? I can't possibly get into a relationship when I'm clearly still in love with my ex"Giselle pointed out

"Then love me...... I'll make you forget of your love for her and make you fall for me.... Deeper than you loved her..... Deeper than how she loved you, I would never leave you or your side and I'll wait until you heal and finally....... Reciprocate my feelings.... Does that sound like a plan?"NingNing smiled and lifted the girl's head up

"W-what?"Giselle asked as she wiped her tears clearly in shock

"What I mean is...... Giselle I like you.... No.... I love you ever since we became friends I've kept my eyes on you, everytime you wanted me to help you with surprises for her I would help you because I wanted you to be happy"NingNing replied and Giselle turned silent

"I know it's bad timing for me to confess....... But will you just let me heal you? Let me take away the pain that she's caused you and let me replace her in your heart....."NingNing asked

"B-but Ning..... I.... Can't.... I d-don't want you to be h-hurt because of me.... I-I don't want you to be hurt than you a-already are...."Giselle replied and NingNing smiled at her

"Pain has been nothing because..... You're the cause of it, I'll take any pain if it means having you.... And making you happy"

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