(WinRina) Supernaturally Bound To Love You PT. 2

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(A/N: Another long chapter ahead this one's 4.1k words, I couldn't help myself, it's been quite fun writing long oneshots like this since I've been having a hard time just writing in general so this is a relief in some way that I'm able to write like this...

Oh and since I've seen quite a few comments I'd like to address that English is not my first language so of course there's grammatical errors, I don't proofread anything either and just release things as soon as I finish writing them and as for the lack of writing for other ships, it's just that I'm most comfortable with WinRina, they're my comfort ship and they've helped me through the hardships in my life after I've come to discover them

I'm sorry if you like the other ships more but I'm just used to WinRina and writing them because it reminds me that there's something that keeps me going in both writing and life in itself. Anyways enjoy this chapter)

It's been awhile since the two had started hanging out together, it's not a rare sight to see Karina and Winter now out in the hallways, giggling to each other and linking arms however their closeness was questioned by most, wondering what on earth could be happening between the two that they were so close, none of them believed that they were just friends even by those close to them

Would they call themselves friends? Of course not, even they know they're not friends... Karina had already confessed so of course it was only obvious that she was trying to win over Winter who, unbeknownst to the raven has already made up her mind in reciprocating the affection and attention she's been given

"What are you guys up to this evening?" Giselle asks as they all sat around their table in the cafeteria, it was their usual now to hang out together during lunch

"I was just gonna do assignments tonight" Karina replied and Yeji grimaced

"You should lay off the school works, you're already the top of the school" Yeji says and Karina pouts before turning to Winter who shrugged at her

"You should work on being on top of something else" Giselle blurts and Yeji coughs, NingNing's eyes widened and Winter's head immediately turned to her while Karina remained clueless

"What else am I supposed to be on top of?" Karina asked and Giselle laughs while Winter reddened in her seat, it was already an established thing for Giselle to tease Winter about this kind of stuff, it's because she was the first to know that Winter was already considering giving Karina that sweet "Yes" to her confession

"I don't know who else to tell this... NingNing's a chatter box so she'll probably tell everyone and Yeji is too much of a gossip girl" Winter said as she pulls Giselle away from the group, they weren't exactly close but of course they were in the same friend group now so they eventually got acquainted though not as close as the others but Winter looked so desperate that Giselle had to let herself be pulled away

"Look... Can you... Help me? How do I... Tell Karina that I'm... Ready?" Winter asked and Giselle's eyes widened

"What!? Are you planning on making her your girlfriend now?" Giselle asked and Winter looks around anxiously to see if anyone heard or if Karina had followed them

"Yes but... I don't know how to do it" Winter confessed and that's where Giselle decided to help her prepare... Ofcourse during this they eventually got even closer hence the constant teasing

All that preparing has been leading up to this moment but Winter still can't quite blurt it out to Karina because she was shy in doing so, So Giselle's teasing got worse and worse to encourage Winter to finally speak up about it because she promised she'd stop the dirty jokes once Winter goes through with it

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