(NingSelle) The Knight and The Princess

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It was a beautiful morning, the sun was bright and the wind blows refreshingly into the city. Everything would've been better if the woman Infront of a girl wasn't screaming

"How revolting! You dare put your peasant appearance near me!?"The woman yelled, NingNing the girl who had bumped into this horribly loud woman, looked at her

"It's not my fault you were standing about, I thought you were some post... A large one at that"NingNing remarked making the woman Infront of her grow more furious

"This little b--"

"Mind your words... You're in my palace Miss Lee"A lady appears behind the two arguing women, Winter turns to look at her and was astonished at the tall woman present Infront of her eyes

"My! Well if it isn't Miss Giselle... This little girl had bumped into me, you should teach her a lesson for having such a rude behaviour specially to a royalty like me"The lady replied and Karina turned to look at Winter who was very much staring at her

"My my Miss Lee... Perhaps you misunderstood, this lady isn't some kind of peasant girl"Giselle said which made the woman glare at her

"How so? This woman wears such ugly clothes, she's probably a girl that was brought in as a maid"The woman replied and eyed NingNing, the girl snapped from her dazed staring and raised a brow to the lady that had called her a maid

"Well Miss Lee the peasant you're talking about is the daughter of the King, I highly doubt you'll be going away Scott free when you've insulted the princess"Giselle stated which made the woman freeze on her spot


"How did you know who I was? Father had never revealed to anyone that I was a princess... It was supposed to be only said today"NingNing asked and Karina kneeled on one knee, holding out her hand to the princess

"Well your majesty, I was asked by your father to be of use to you for today's occasion... I'm your knight for today my princess"Giselle says and smiles at NingNing

If the courtsy action of getting on one knee wasn't enough to make NingNing's heart skip a beat, the woman's captivating smile surely does the job

"May I?... Oh and you Miss Lee, please attend to the office where his Highness is upon... I request you go there before I step too early"Giselle warns and the woman beside them immediately rushes through the hallways

"Now where were we?... Oh right, May I, princess?"Giselle asks and NingNing hesitantly placed her hand on the lady's, Giselle took it upon her and placed a light kiss on the back of the Princess's hand thus making NingNing embarassedly shy

"This might be my palace but rest assured that I will be serving you with everything I have just to keep you safe, you have my word Princess"Giselle said and gets up again

"Now... What do you say we go to the office to his Highness to report a nasty roach roaming around? We don't want that little bitch going around"Giselle says, her tone significantly changing but her eyes remained soft as she looked at the Princess

NingNing nods at her, not quite understanding what she had meant. The two make their way to the office where the woman earlier was talking with the king, The king quickly shifts his eyes to the two ladies walking inside

"Thank you Giselle, NingNing where have you been? I was worried you'd have wondered somewhere"The King asks worriedly, NingNing turns to him and smiles awkwardly

"I was a bit... Lost... Miss Giselle here assisted me"NingNing replied and The king sighed in relief

"Your highness I have big news, it's quite a problem actually"Giselle started and the woman who was talking with the king suddenly stood up

"Lady Lee was making a ruckus in the halls... When I had gotten there I was greeted by an awful pick of words coming from her mouth... Calling the princess names, such as peasant"Giselle reported and the King immediately grows furious, obvious from the redness of his face and his balled fist

"No! Your majesty this is some kind of cons--"

"Arrest her! You dare mock my daughter with such filth? You deserve to be locked up"The King angrily declared, the guards who were at his side instantly got ahold of the lady before she could even try to escape. They take her away as she screams, pleading for mercy as NingNing worriedly looks at her father

"Had she done anything to you my dear? She didn't lay a finger on you did she?"The king asks and NingNing shook her head which made the king sigh in relief

"Thank you Giselle... Is there any way we can repay you for saving my daughter from that woman?"The king asks and Giselle walks up to them with a smile

"Would you mind your highness? That I wed your daughter?"Giselle asked and NingNing's eyes opened widely as she looks at Giselle

"What? But... Isn't your duty to protect me? Why would you need payment? And why that of all things?"NingNing bombarded which made Giselle chuckle

"Duty? What do you mean NingNing?"The King asks and NingNing looked at him confusedly

"Didn't you... Assign her as my knight for today?"NingNing asked and the King shook his head, to NingNing's horror

"ningNing, Giselle is a Princess of this distant kingdom why would I appoint a princess to be a knight?"The king asked back and it dawned on NingNing

How Giselle said that the palace was indeed hers

"But a wedding is too much! We don't know each other!"NingNing exclaimed and Giselle smiled

"Then... I shall change it to, May I court your daughter? Your highness?"Giselle asked and NingNing shook her head

"People only court people they found liking to!"NingNing revolted and Giselle raised a brow

"Then what's the problem? Does it not seem clear Princess?"Giselle asked and NingNing furrowed her eyebrows, to Giselle's dismay

"Well if it hasn't dawned on you Princess NingNing, I have indeed took a liking to you... Now was that hard to understand?"Giselle asked again and Winter backed away

"We only just met, how can you say you had liken me?"NingNing asked back

"It seems that I was greatly forgotten by the princess"Giselle replied and NingNing looked at her father

"NingNing... Giselle was the little princess visiting the castle when you were a kid, you don't remember?"The king asked and NingNing only stared at him

"The little kid who carries a sword around despite her age? You got angry because you said it wasn't proper for a princess to be wielding a sword?"The king asked and like a waterfall, it fell on NingNing

This grown woman was the girl who was always at their castle, carrying a sword as big as she was. NingNing had gotten mad at the girl for doing so and insisted that she held a tiara instead of a sword to which the girl replied

"No! I don't want to!... You wear the tiara and I carry the sword, I will be your knight"

"Y-you..."NingNing stuttered as she pointed at Giselle

"Did my words earlier finally seem familiar?... NingNing let me be your knight once more... You wear the crown and I'll carry the sword to protect you"Giselle said and came closer to NingNing

"But.... You're a princess..."NingNing retorted and Giselle smiled

"I don't care for such thing as being a princess... All I want is to be with you, to protect you... Like how I've been wanting to, all these years. The only reason why I kept my title was for us to meet again and it wasn't to no vain because here we are"Giselle said and NingNing gulped before putting her hand down

"Then... Let's get to know each other first... Then I'll decide"NingNing replied, Giselle's face lightened and she quickly turns to the King who nods at her

"By all means Princess... I would love to get to know you more"

(A/n: this was supposed to be a WinRina oneshot but I thought the lines fitted better with NingSelle and also because I haven't written much of NingSelle these past updates so I went through the grueling task of changing every name XD but it's worth it)

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