(WinRina) Compensate PT.2 {M}

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Karina gives Winter's neck open mouthed kisses as she rubs her thigh, her hand on Winter's hair gently caressing her scalp as Winter moans in satisfaction; Karina had found her sweet spot and without wasting a second, Karina bites that spot which earns her a cry of pleasure from Winter, she eases the bite by running her tongue over it before pulling her head away

"Quite the voice you have, I'll have to see you present your work tomorrow... That is if you can still walk"Karina whispers into her ear sending shivers through Winter's spine

Karina takes her hand off of Winter's thigh and tugs on the girl's shirt, Winter looks at her and her eyes widened as the buttons of her blouse flew off with a swift tug from Karina

"I have spare clothes, you needn't worry"Karina assures her but Winter feels goosebumps along her body as she was not worried about her clothes... She was more worried of herself and the situation she had gotten in after seeing Karina's strength...

Karina removes her grip on Winter's hair and opens the girl's blouse making Winter flustered at her exposed state, she tried to cover herself but Karina stops her hands and plants a kiss on her cleavage. Winter arches her back and Karina supports her body as she continues to leave kisses along the girl's chest, she bites the cloth that hindered her and hikes it up before attaching her lips onto Winter's erect pink bud; Winter moans loudly as Karina sucked on her breast like a baby, she holds onto Karina's nape for support and Karina shifts to her other nipple, once again sucking on her

"Aahh... F-fuck..."Winter moaned as Karina pulls her lips away and grins at Winter who was flushed all over, her heated state was visible due to her fair complexion

"My my... What a pretty girl you are... It's a shame I hadn't found a gem like you much sooner"Karina compliments and Winter's ears turn red at the sudden sweetness of Karina's words

"I can get quite aggressive, just letting you know... But I think you already know that from the way I work, don't you?"Karina says and Winter nods her head, a yelp escaping her lips as Karina stands up and carries her

Karina walks with Winter in her hands, she pins the girl's body onto the wall before reaching for her door's doorknob and locks it. She looks at Winter and the girl shyly makes eye contact with her, Karina plants her lips against Winter's again and they shared a much more passionate kiss

Karina's hand slowly caressed Winter's thigh, hiking her skirt up as she gropes on the girl's ass. Winter moans from her touch and Karina proceeds to grope her ass before landing soundful slap against it, Winter's head pulls away in shock as she moans in both pain and pleasure

"Too hard?"Karina asks with an amused look, Winter pants and gulps as she feels Karina's finger hooking onto the slit of her underwear

Karina smiles deviously as she runs her finger across the girl's center making the girl moan, Karina pulls her finger away and stares at Winter as she brought the finger up to her own lips and taking a lick at it. Winter gets stunned at the sight of Karina licking her own finger, she wonders how the hell did her boss look like this and remained single throughout the years of working? Because damn... Everyone missed their fucking chance

"How many do you think you can take?"Karina asks and Winter immediately knew what she was asking, she hesitantly bites her lip

"T-two..."Winter manages to say in almost a whisper and Karina smiles at her before dipping her hand down onto Winter's center, she coats her finger with Winter's wetness which made the girl bite her lip harder

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