(WinRina) Cinema {M}

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"Okay so you're going on a date with Karina? And you're wearing that? Girl... You aren't going out looking like that" Giselle said as she looked at her bestfriend

"What? Why not? It's comfortable!" Winter argued and Giselle crossed her arms

"It may be but it looks like you're just going to the cinema to chill like you're at home! This is a date Winter! With your long time crush! And you're wearing a hoodie with baggy pants, get changed" Giselle said and Winter frowns, she looks at her bestfriend who only gives her staredown before reluctantly going to her closet to pick out clothes

"No, colors don't match" Giselle said as Winter tries to pick her clothes, Winter looks back at her and Giselle just acts non-chalant

"Wear a dress Winter, this is your first date after you guys finally admitted to each other that y'all feelings are mutual" Giselle adviced

"I don't wear dresses!" Winter replied and Giselle immediately stood up and grabbed a box from Winter's closet

"Well then it's time to wear one, you'll wear the white dress I bought for you that you never used" Giselle said and took out the dress from the box


"No more buts, you're gonna be late for your date so get changed and go out there to impress the girl of your dreams!" Giselle said and shoved Winter into the bathroom

Winter sighs before changing her clothes like Giselle had told her, she looks at herself in the mirror before opening the door. Giselle immediately claps and hugs her

"See? You look much better in a dress! You look like a baby girl" Giselle said and Winter grimaces

"Now go get your girl!"


Winter stood amongst the crowd, shyly excusing herself as she tries to get through. She looks around and she immediately spots Karina who seemed to be looking for her as well, she slowly walked towards her and scanned her as she got closer... Karina was definitely dressed to impress, she was wearing a black turtleneck that hugged her figure along with black pants and white leather boots, she had her blazer draped over her shoulder which made her look like a model

"Boo!" Winter tries to shock Karina as she grabs her by the arm, Karina immediately turns as she gets startled. She stares at Winter for a good few seconds before blinking

"Did I scare you that much that you just froze?" Winter teased as she chuckled at Karina's expression

"Kind of but... The reason why I froze was because... You look absolutely stunning Winter" Karina replied and smiled which caught Winter off guard... Now she was thanking Giselle for making her wear a dress

"Oh! Shall we go inside now? I have our tickets right here and our popcorn will be given to us before the movie starts" Karina said and took out the movie tickets from her bag, Winter immediately smiled and interlocked their arms

"Yeah! Let's go" Winter said and Karina looks at her with a smile as they walked towards the cinema

Once they entered Karina showed their tickets and they were guided to their seat, the movie was greatly popular but Karina had specifically picked a date where almost no one was inside the cinema... It was a weekday which meant almost everyone either had school or work which definitely proved to be a great idea as there were only atleast 10 other people with them and they were all spread out across the front seats, Karina had bought backrow seats to get a clear full view of the full screen

"Here's your popcorn ma'am, I hope you enjoy the movie" A guy said and gave the popcorn to Karina who gladly took it and immediately gave it to Winter

"Isn't this great? We get to watch the movie like this and there's almost no other people here" Karina whispered and Winter nods her head

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