(WinRina) Supernaturally Bound To Love You

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(A/N: I honestly don't know what I was going with this but this took me 2 days to write *it's just 2 nights actually, from 3-5am*... And also it's 7k words long ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)

"Any questions?" The teacher asked the students remained silent

"Are you all sure that you don't have questions? Because if not I'm ending the class and I will remind you that we have a test tomorrow" The teacher says and some students raise their hands to ask a question

"Now you raise your hands at the mention of a test... Yes, Miss Kim?" He calls out and Winter stands up

"So is there still a possibility that vampires are coexisting with humans to this day?" Winter asks and the teacher smiles

"Wonderful question! There is and there isn't actually an answer to that" He replies and Winter's eyebrows furrowed at the vagueness

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean sir?" One of the other students asked

"There is an answer but it is uncertain because we can never know for sure until we see for ourselves, there hasn't been any report of a sighting of a vampire which you could say is proof that they're not mingling with us anymore however it is also proof that maybe they've blended too well into the society that we can't even identify them from the humans" He explains and Winter sits down

"Is that your only question Miss Kim?" He asks and Winter slowly nods her head and he goes on to take another question from a different student and minutes pass by and he's already leaving

The answer to Winter's question has been stuck in her head, call her a nerd but she's quite intrigued by all of the things that their class has been taught regarding "Supernatural Beings" because she grew up watching and reading anything related to it

"Hey Winter! You going to the club?" Yeji asked from the window and Winter turns to see that almost everyone has left the class... Right, it was time to go home...

"Yeah, are you and NingNing coming?" Winter asks as she packed her bags

"Actually I wanted to get an excuse for today because I have a project due tomorrow for science class and NingNing told me to tell you that she's going out with Giselle today so she can't come" Yeji replied

"And she tells me that her and Giselle are just friends, yeah sure... She's skipped 7 club gatherings and her excuse is always Giselle" Winter says and Yeji chuckles

"I'm pretty sure they're dating already but just doesn't want to tell people yet until they've made it official" Yeji replies and Winter huffs before slinging her bag around her shoulder and going through the door

"Well I guess I'll just tidy up the club room for when we get to do an actual discussion, I'll see you tomorrow" Winter says and waves at Yeji before heading to their club room

Of course she was part of a club despite her nerdy need to study about supernatural beings... Except that the club is actually a club for studying that exact same topic so it is still pretty nerdy but Winter doesn't give a damn, she just wants to keep learning about all these things because it's fun and she's actually enjoying learning

"Excuse me... Are you looking for someone?" Winter asks as she reaches the club only to see another student standing right beside the window, peeping through the room

"Oh! Hi! Yes, actually I'm looking for the members of this club" The girl turned and Winter swore this was the prettiest girl she'd ever seen, the long raven black hair, the tall stature and of course the dashingly good looking face of this woman was out of this world and Winter could feel her heart skipping a beat

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