(WinRina) Gone

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(A/N: Remember when I said I won't let you through the NNN? Yeah that was stupid because I completely forgot XD so here's... Some angst)

"Rina... Can you come real quick?"Giselle called, it was already 2 in the morning and Karina had woken up because of her phone blaring

"What? Giselle... It's 2am right now, can't this wait? Why am I going there?"Karina asked, her voice still groggy from just waking up

"Rina... Winter... She's gone"Giselle replied and suddenly Karina's body and spirit were on full senses and awake at that, she quickly pulls off her covers and stands up

"What? Giselle I left her there because I thought you'd take care of her! You even told me so!"Karina exclaimed, hurriedly putting on a jacket and shoes, running down the stairs as fast as she could

"I know! I'm sorry! Please just come over"Giselle said and the call drops, Karina rushes to her car and drives to Giselle's place where NingNing was waiting outside for her

"Ning! What happened?"Karina asks as she runs to NingNing

"I don't know, one moment we were just playing and th--"

"Is that my baby?"Winter asks as she comes out of the door and Karina immediately sighs

"For god's sake... I knew she'd be gone with just a few drinks... How many did you drink for it to get this bad?"Karina asked and Giselle looks at her, helping Winter stand up

"We only drank a few bottles! She was insisting she can drink more but... Who would've thought she'd lose all her fucking wits with just 5 bottles"Giselle replied and Karina almost pities her because of how Winter looked in her arms but then again, she wanted to have a party so she kinda did deserve it

"You! You look exactly like my baby!"Winter exclaims and points to Karina who just stares at her

"Really? What's her name?"Karina asks and crosses her arms, NingNing watches as her girlfriend struggles to keep Winter standing

"Karina! She's my baby... Do you know her?"Winter asked and Giselle could only shake her head

"No... Is she famous?"Karina asks and smirks before eyeing Giselle

"How could you not know my baby? She's a Goddess! She looks even better than Aphrodite! She's tall too! She gives the best hugs and kisses"Winter brags and Karina chuckles as Giselle grimaced

"That's what you get for not taking care of her... Come on now Winter, let's go home"Karina said and helped Winter

"What? I'm not going home with you! I love my baby! I'm only going home with her or to her!"Winter replies and tries to get Karina off of her but it was no use as she had no other strength left

"Baby... It's me, I'm Karina now let's go home okay?"Karina gently replies and Winter's eyes softened

"If you're my baby... Can you give me a kiss?"Winter asked and Karina raised a brow

"Pft... I swear we can't let her drink out in a club or she's gonna get taken home by some rando by just saying they're Karina"Giselle said and NingNing immediately punched her stomach before Karina gets to punch her... In the face

"Are you gonna ask that to anyone who says they're me?"Karina asked and Winter clung onto her

"No! Of course not! I know your scent! And I love it... I'll never forget about it and I can find you with just sniffing around"Winter replied and Karina shook her head

"Good dog"Karina said and Giselle threw her shoe at Karina

"Get the fuck out of my lawn now, you're just getting disgusting now... Sooner or later you're gonna start fucking right on the grass and we might get reported to the police so please just fucking leave"Giselle said as Karina turned to her

"I have dignity bitch! I'd atleast go inside your house before I start getting it on!"Winter yelled and Karina started laughing as NingNing walked away, tired of the bullshit that has been happening all night

"Fuck off! You're not fucking in my house! Just go home idiot!"Giselle yelled back

"You're more idioter!"Winter replied and Karina patted her head

"That's not a word sweetheart, let's go home now before we wake everyone in the neighborhood"Karina says and Winter turns to Giselle one last time before flipping her off to which Karina laughs at

Once they reached home Winter was clinging to Karina like a koala, Karina tries to pry her girlfriend off, wanting to fix the bed for her but the girl wouldn't budge

"Come on Winter you need to sleep, it's almost 3 and we've got work"Karina said and tries to escape from Winter's arms

"No! Sleep with me... Please Rina?"Winter asks, lifting her head to look at Karina

"Damn you and your puppy eyes... Whatever fine, let's sleep"Karina said and lays comfortably on the bed where Winter still keeps hold of her

"Next time you're not going out drinking again"Karina said and looks at Winter but the girl was already passed out, Karina sighs before leaving a peck on Winter's forehead, closing her eyes to go into slumber as well


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