(WinRina) Dream PT.2 {M+}

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!M+ Rating, if you are not comfortable please do not continue with the chapter as it includes mature scenes¡

"Kids get in the car! We're going to aunt Gigi and NingNing's house!"Karina yelled and their kids immediately grabbed their bags from the bench they were sitting on

"Seatbelts"Karina reminded and looked at her kids through the rearview mirror, her eyes darted towards Winter who was staring at her on the mirror as well. A grin plastered on Karina's face before starting up the car which made Winter flustered

"What will you be doing at aunt Gigi's house today, you can't trash it down like last time alright? I had to pay for all your damages..... That was a big dent to my wallet"Karina said and her kids looked at each other

"We're gonna make Aunt Gigi suffer!"They both answered which a laugh from their parents

"How will you do that?"Winter asked, turning to her kids

"Aunt NingNing said she'll help us, we texted her earlier"Junhyun replied and showed his phone to his mother

"You guys gotta stop scheming with NingNing although the though of Aeri being miserable is more than fine to me, you need to learn that these pranks are not good stuff"Karina reminded and her kids nodded pouting

"Why are you pouting too?"Karina asked as her eyes caught a glimpse of her wife pouting at her as well

"You gotta stop nagging at the kids, they're at the age to know what's right and wrong"Winter defended her kids, As much as the kids like to tease their mothers (Specially Winter due to her cute reactions and retaliation) Winter is still protective afterall she's a mother, it's an instinct that developed when she gave birth

"But clearly they're not basing it off of that aren't they? They're only doing it for fun, silly little pranks can grow into something bigger"Karina replied and Winter crossed her arms

"Our kids are growing Karina, let them have their fun when they're still young.... We learn from such mistakes"Winter replied and turned her head to the window, Karina didn't reply anymore

Their kids grew wary of the situation they're in, they feel as though they're at fault for their parents fighting

"We're here..... Have fun but not too much fun okay? We'll pick you up tommorow morning"Karina said and the two kids went out of the car

"Mommy..... Don't fight please? We promise we'll be good, we won't do anything that could cause big problems anymore"Rayeon said as Karina opened her window to say goodbye, she smiled feeling guilty at making their kids grow wary

"It's okay..... Don't worry about it alright? Just enjoy with the aunties and Junnie"Karina said and patted her daughter's head, Winter blew a kiss to their kids and the kids waved goodbye as they headed into NingNing and Giselle's house

The ride back home was silent, the two were barely making any noise. The car and their breathing was the only thing that was making noises in the car

Karina glanced at Winter, home was still a few hours away and she could not bear Winter not talking to her on the way because she herself knows that she likes Winter just casually talking to her while driving, it soothes her so this was a big problem to her. Karina was panicking on the inside as she had no clue on how she'd make up with her wife but an idea quickly popped into her mind

She stopped the car Infront of an alleyway, they were at a downtown road and there were hardly any cars, persons even going this way. Winter furrowed her eyebrows as she was still staring at the window, she turned her head to ask Karina but her lips were immediately captured

Karina slowly raised up from her seat, taking her hand to Winter's seat and lowering it down so she could straddle the girl and not let her escape

"W-what are y-you doing?"Winter asked as Karina pulled away from the kiss, shock was evident in her face as Karina took a hold of her waist

"I don't like fighting with you..... It makes me feel like I need you more"Karina said as she lifted Winter's upper body to face her

"W-what?"Winter asked, her face turning red

"It makes me feel dominant"Karina whispered and captured winter's lips once again, this time hungrier and feistier

Karina slowly travelled to the backseat, not taking her lips off of Winter. She pulled Winter's body towards her making the girl now sitting on her lap

Karina took this opportunity to bite Winter's lower lip, nibbling it as her wife moans. Karina inserted her tongue inside Winter's mouth, fighting for dominance as her hands trail Winter's back

"Hnng....."Winter moaned as she felt Karina's gripping her ass

"Not talking to me for the whole ride was a bit too much, don't you think? We've had fights before but you've never went silent on me"Karina said as they pull their heads back, breathing in air

"That deserves a punishment Winter, you've given me my punishment of not talking to me so now it's my turn"Karina added, she attacked Winter's neck not letting the girl argue with her statement

Winter's head immediately tilts at Karina's move, she couldn't even say anything with the pleasure she's getting

"If the punishment was always this I think I'd rather fight everyday..."

"Oh fuck....."Winter moaned, her thoughts disrupted as Karina bit on her skin

Karina slipped the sleeves off of Winter's shoulder, trailing her kisses down to her collarbone and licking it before forcefully pulling down the girl's shirt

"Y-you're gonna r-rip my shirt Rina.... Shit.... Hmmmpp..."Winter moaned, Karina jerked her hips upward, making friction to both of them

"That's not the only thing I'm ripping today"Karina whispered and her hands moved within a second, she had already unclasped Winter's bra, leaving her bare chest open

"F-uck..... Oh my god......."Winter moaned once more, not caring about her clothes anymore

Winter arched her back and Karina supported her to not let her fall off as her lips make contact with Winter's hard nub. Karina sucked like a baby which made Winter into a mess, her head turning from side to side as Karina switches from one of her nipples to the other before finishing with a popping sound

"Be a good girl and accept your punishment baby, you wouldn't like it if this reaches home"Karina whispered, licking her wife's ear

"W-what happens if it reaches home?"Winter asked, there was a slight hint of challenge in her voice

"I'm afraid you won't be walking tommorow"Karina replied and Winter gulped, she didn't know where her confidence came from but she decided to let it out

"Then why don't you take me home?"Winter asked and Karina's eyebrow raised, she grabbed her wife's bra and clasped it back together onto Winter and putting her shirt back on

"We'll see how far your little challenge goes"Karina said and lifted Winter up to sit back down on the passenger seat, getting onto the driver's seat and starting up her car again

"Damn my Work..... I want my wife fucking me senselessly all night until I can barely even stand"Winter thought but there was fear rushing in her along with excitement as she looks at Karina who glanced at her to give her a sweet smile, Winter shivered at her wife's affection as she knows this was a smile only to be seen before she passes out cold on the bed all messy

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