(NingSelle) Miss Nobody

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"I'm late Winter! Come on!"Giselle yelled out to her bestfriend and as soon as she came out they both ran like crazy

"I told you it was a bad idea staying up until 2 am!"Giselle said as they took a turn to their school

"I didn't know you turned off the alarm! Stupid!"Winter yelled back and they kept running

As they reached the school grounds the bell rang exactly and they weren't late

"Lucky!"They both said and High fived and walked their way to class

"Dude! Did you see the new transfer? She's so pretty and cute!"

"Yeah I saw, She's a famous instagram model! And I think Karina is her friend"

"Hey..... who's the new girl they're talking about?"Giselle nudged Winter and Winter immediately looked at her

"Huh? What did you say?"Winter asked and looked back at the hallway she was staring at

Giselle followed her eyes and she shook her head as she saw Karina standing near the lockers in the hallway, carrying her stuff

"Stop daydreaming about your girlfriend Minjeong and I've got a question!"Giselle said and pulled winter

"She's not my girlfriend!........yet..."Winter said and started blushing which Giselle just facepalmed herself

"Anyways, who's the new girl? There's a transfer?"Giselle asked and Winter shot a smile at her as if teasing her

"Why so curious Aeri Uchinaga?"Winter asked grinning at her friend

"Uhh?? Because why not? So who is she?"Giselle asked again and winter took out her phone

"She's "NingNing" or Ning Yizhou as Karina told me, she's instagram famous along with Karina and I think they grew up together"Winter said and it was Giselle's time to start Grinning

"You know a lot of her history......With Yoo Jimin"Giselle said and Winter punched her arm jokingly as they walked back to class laughing


"Minjeong!"Karina yelled out from the hallways and everyone immediately looked at her and the girl she called

Winter walked towards her smilingly as she pulled Giselle with her

"Here's your hoodie back, Sorry it took awhile.....I washed it"Karina said and handed Minjeong back her hoodie as Giselle smiles at her and Winter Teasingly

"So uhhh ........ What's the story of that hoodie huh?"Giselle asked and the two just stayed quiet blushing

"Unnie! Can i have lunch with you?"A girl came out of the classroom next to them

Her hair was Red, she was pale and petite. She looked cute in her uniform even though it was a uniform from another school

"Yeah! Oh by the way these are my friends"Karina said and hugged the girl

"Hi! I'm Ning Yizhou! But you can call me NingNing"The girl introduced herself as she smiled at the two

Winter nudged her bestfriend who was smiling from ear to ear, staring at the pretty girl infront of her

"Hi, I'm Kim Minjeong but Winter's my nickname"Winter replied and NingNing looked at Giselle

"How about you?"She asked but the girl didn't answer and was just looking at her with a smile

"Uhh?...... Don't have a name?"Ningning asked jokingly and laughed slightly which melted Giselle even more

"You don't want me knowing your name? I'll give you a nickname then, until i find out your name by myself"NingNing said and went closer to the stunned girl

"You'll be Miss Nobody"She said and smiled before turning to her back

"Until I find out your name, you'll be Miss Nobody.........My Miss Nobody"

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