(WinRina) Not Done {M}

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"Move" Winter says and the guy immediately gets off his seat and gives her the chair, Winter rolls her eyes before turning to the chair next to hers, she'd been eyeing the student for quite some time now and she happened to not have anyone to annoy the shit out of and so now...

"Hey" Winter calls out but the girl doesn't even spare her a glance, Winter kicks the girl's table startling everyone... But the girl

"I'm calling for you, are you deaf?" Winter asks and the girl finally turns to her

"What?" She replied and everyone was baffled with how she responded, Winter immediately smirks and stands up grabbing the girl's face

"You don't speak to me in that tone you little bitch" Winter warns but the girl's demeanor stayed the same as if she weren't even bothered and it pissed Winter off more

"Miss Kim! Sit down! What do you think you're doing?" The teacher arrived and Winter clicks her tongue before harshly shoving the girl's face away and sitting back down

"What's the girl's name?" Winter asked as she kicked the guy's seat infront of her

"K-karina..." The guy replied and Winter leaned back on her chair, she looked at Karina and the girl didn't seem any bit bothered by what had just happened


"Oops, looks like you'll have to get changed wet duck" Winter teased as she threw the bucket on the ground, PE had just finished and they were cleaning the gym when she noticed that Karina was quietly sitting in a corner with her book so she deviously grabbed the cleaning bucket and dumped the water on the girl

Karina looks up at her and Winter was expecting an outburst or even just the girl to cry but all she got was a stare. Karina stood up from her seat and grabbed her jacket to cover up before walking out of the gym

"Damn girl... You're an asshole but damn... She's a strong wall to break" Giselle commented and Winter rolled her eyes, her eyes look back at the puddle that the water had created and picks up the book that Karina was reading. She goes out of the gym and into the girls locker room

"Hey bitch looks like your book's wet—" before she could finish her sentence Karina was already right infront of her, her shirt already gone which left her in her undergarment

"What the fuck—" Winter was about to cuss her out but Karina was quick enough to silence her, putting her hand over Winter's mouth and shoving her back onto the door, slamming it shut

"You think you're some big fucking girl that can just go around being shit to everyone?" Karina asked and Winter was stunned in her position

"Why don't you just shut that fucking mouth of yours and grow up?" Karina adds and grabs the book from Winter's hands, she removes her hand on Winter's mouth and backs away throwing her book on an empty chair

"We're not done you bitch" Winter says as she rushes towards Karina, she grabs the girl's arm and tries to pull her but Karina felt immovable. Karina stares at her and suddenly Winter felt small in that situation

"What? You're gonna say something?" Karina asks and raises a brow, Winter tries to tug Karina's arm again to no avail

"That's cute, you think your little strength can pull me?" Karina asks, mocking evidently in her tone

"Fuck you" Winter grits her teeth and tries to land a punch on Karina's face but the girl dodges and turns Winter around, she slams the girl's body into the wall and pins Winter's arm behind her back

"Get off me!" Winter exclaimed and Karina chuckled

"Come on, is that all you've got? You're like an inu with that strength" Karina mocks and Winter feels her breath against her ear

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