(NingSelle) Sweet Talker {M}

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ABO/Omegaverse and G!P warning!! (A part 2 of "A Happy Valentine's Day" just in NingSelle's perspective)

"That was surely off wasn't it? Winter was super quiet today" Giselle said as they got into the car

"It was... You don't think she's in her heat... Right?" NingNing replies and Giselle huffs, there was definitely a big possibility of that but one thing was for certain

"Well... Atleast they'll have the house to themselves" Giselle replied and NingNing laughs, nodding her head. Of course it was obvious that the two girls had feelings for each other... They were just dense and didn't want to admit to one another because it might cause a fall out

"Are you excited? It's been awhile since we visited your parents" Giselle asked and NingNing nodded as Giselle started driving

"I hope my cousins aren't there because god knows the chaos that will ensue if they were" NingNing replies and Giselle chuckles

"I quite like your cousins" Giselle says and NingNing shakes her head

"You like everyone in my family" NingNing points out and Giselle only grins

"That, I do... But I love you more than I love your family" Giselle says and NingNing turns away, hiding her red face


"Karina's what!?" NingNing asked in shock as they got home from having dinner, they were now at her parent's house and their conversation drifted to Karina who her mother had previously known because she and Karina's mom did business together

"You didn't know? I believe she's the first of the 114th clan... She's as full blooded as an alpha can be though she doesn't look and feel like it because of her bubbly attitude" NingNing's mom explains and the two girls silently looked at each other

"Winter's in for a treat..." Giselle jokes and NingNing chokes on air

"Oh? Are those two...?" NingNing's dad asked and Giselle laughs

"Not yet but I think they'll get there... I think everyone knows that they like each other... The only ones who don't are themselves" Giselle replies and NingNing's mom nods

"They'll be a great couple... Though I worry for Winter... I heard alphas like Karina with full blood are much bigger than normal alphas" NingNing's dad says and Giselle holds in her laughter as NingNing turned to her dad in horror

"Feels weird to be talking about Karina's girth" Giselle said and NingNing's dad laughs while NingNing facepalms herself

"Oh we'll leave the house to you two for now is that alright?" NingNing's Mom said and Giselle turned towards her

"Eh? Are you and dad going out?" NingNing asked

"Yeah, we're picking up your aunt from the airport" NingNing's Dad replied

"Airport's like 2 hours away though" Giselle said and the two parents could only sigh

"We still have to pick them up though... You guys can cook something if you get hungry later, pantry is full and so is the fridge" NingNing's mom said and NingNing's dad pats Giselle's shoulder before leaning in

"NingNing's siblings aren't home... Just don't break anything and also... No knotting" He whispers and Giselle's eyes widened, He chuckles at her reaction before kissing his daughter's forehead and pulling his wife out

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