(WinRina) The Office

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"Can't you go any slower? This is needed today! If the documents don't arrive before 6pm you're all not leaving"Karina warned and everyone immediately went back to work

"Geez... It's that old geezer's fault... That man from the PR didn't tell us until it was already noon! That motherfucker"Giselle said and Winter nodded next to her

"If he had told us earlier we would've been done by now... Now he can't fucking leave either, karma bit right back"NingNing replied and their whole office turned into chaos, passing papers to each other and running around

"Yes! I'm done with the 3rd part!"Winter exclaimed and everyone gave her a thumbs up before going straight back into their works

"God I wish I was as talented as you... I'm not done with the 7th part yet"Giselle said and Winter chuckled before standing up, she grabbed her document and headed straight into the elevator to get to their boss's office. Upon reaching the doors she didn't even have to knock as it was already wide open... But the problem was, her boss was missing

"Huh?... Did she not... Head up here?"Winter muttered towards herself before entering slowly into the office, it had looked like it was deserted. The stacks of paper piled on the table was neatly arranged with labels

"Yes yes... Then tomorrow I'll set up the meeting so we'll have no more problems... Yeah, last deal will be for 40 million... Great, thanks"Karina's voice startled Winter as she was settling her paper down onto the table, she looked towards the bathroom where she had heard the voice and went closer, leaning her ears to the door

"Hello? Yeah it's me Karina... I was wondering if you could help me?... Yeah I need a place tomorrow for a meeting with my investors you think you can help?... It will be on 7am so that it isn't too much of a hassle... Alright thank you"Karina's voice echoed and Winter nodded her head against the door

"Yeokshi... Our CEO is hardworking to the point that she's the one setting up all the meetings instead of her secretary..."Winter whispered and she heard the faucet turn

She immediately went back to the table and left her paper but before she could exit the room Karina came out of the bathroom

"Excuse me?... What are you doing here?"Karina asked and Winter froze, she slowly turned around and her eyes widened as Karina's shirt was slightly opened at the top, water dripping down her face

"U-uhh... I was... I w-was just leaving documents for the project m-ma'am..."Winter replied, diverting her eyes away

"I see... Can you stay here for a moment? I accidentally wetted my shirt as I was washing my face and my secretary is out buying everyone food"Karina asked and Winter politely bowed at her

"Great I'll be back, I will just change clothes... If someone comes in with a document tell them to place it right on the table next to the charts"Karina said and Winter nodded, her eyes still locked on the ground


"Oh? Win why haven't you come down yet?"Giselle asked as she entered their boss's office

"Miss Karina told me to stay here for a bit while she change clothes... Put that here"Winter said and grabbed the documents from Giselle and placed it onto the table, writing the number 12 on it before stacking it with the rest

"Changing cl-- Oh?... Did... Did something happen?"Giselle asked, her face full of expectancy as her eyebrows wiggled at Winter who only gave her an eye roll

"No she was in the bathroom when I came in... She said she accidentally splattered water on her shirt so she had to go get changed"Winter replied and settled the pen down, Giselle sighed in disappointment

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