(WinRina) Water

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Has there ever been a moment where you've felt yourself be taken down to the deepest and most vulnerable place in your life?

It was a question that Karina often thought of, why? Because she wonders if other people felt like her... If they experienced the same pain or at least experienced the same feeling of losing oneself

"Fuck..." She sniffles as she throws the battered pillow away, she'd been punching it as a way to release her emotions but it wasn't enough to stop her tears from falling

Giselle had came by to check up on her as it had been days since she made contact with anyone but Giselle was pushed away and told to get out, she didn't take it to heart... She understood what her best friend was feeling so she willingly leaves with a "Feel better soon... I miss my friend..."

NingNing had also came by to check up on her the day prior, she was as also told to get out and like Giselle. She didn't bother the harsh treatment and left after dropping off some groceries

Karina should be glad, she knows that herself... She should be glad that she was still surrounded by these two friends who try desperately to care for her but she can't bring herself to feel other emotions when she's already been consumed by hatred

That girl... She was the only girl Karina had laid her eyes upon... She did her best to make her stay but in the end she still left Karina... Winter left her broken, torn into pieces that could not be put back together

Karina thought what they had was special... She thought that the girl felt the same way... But she was nothing but a fool to believe that delusion of hers, she was utterly fooled by that mask of smiles and sweet whispers... When her ears caught her words she was shattered from the inside, being denied of love was enough to get Karina to break the glass that caged her in

That was the last straw, she overheard it but she knew it had to have been true... Winter was not one to lie... Infront of her friends which was why when Karina heard her say...

"Oh? Karina? She's just a random girl! We just met randomly"

It broke her, she let herself be deceived that maybe Winter felt the same, that she had liked Karina like how Karina liked her but alas everything was nothing but lies. She wasn't even considered a friend... She was just that random girl in Winter's eyes. It made her feel sad.... Angered that Winter had denied her, disregarded her, she hated it. That she was deceived to receive such a humiliating experience

After that she severed all contact, Winter tried to reach her but Karina had locked herself up like a princess locked in a tower... No way to go inside and no way to go out, like walls caging her in without an entry point... She didn't need a dragon or a prince to cage her in because she willingly did it herself after suffering such a heartache... She was willing to sacrifice herself by any means to stay away from everything and everyone... Specially from her... Specially from Winter

"You— I hate you... Truly... From the bottom of my heart..." Karina sobbed as she hugged her knees, reminded of Winter's face that had been haunting her every night as if tormenting her situation... Winter's face that she adored... Was now the face that she suffers from

"Ah... I can't—" Karina stops as she lifts her head, she rushes to go to the bathroom, the place she felt safe...

"You like water?" Winter asked as she walked hand in hand with Karina, strolling the shoreline

"I do... It keeps me calm... Water just makes me feel at ease" Karina replies with a smile, the night couldn't be better... Taking a walk with the one she loves... Admiring the water that she had always found solace in under the moonlight... It was just perfect

And now she finds herself relaxing again, inside her bathtub filled with water

"Water... Still... Keeps me calm... Ease..." She mutters as she turns the faucet off, she was clothed but it didn't matter as long as she felt relieved

"Right... It makes me... Feel better" Karina says and with a smile, her mind wanders what could have been if she hadn't been so utterly fooled by the woman she loved most

As the moonlight shone through the window of her bedroom, through the open door of the bathroom. Winter's face pops up into mind again as she takes a deep breath and succumbs into the water


Morning came and the news was delivered, Karina was found in her estate by her two friends, drowned herself with a smile... Both in her sorrows and the water that she found peace in

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