(NingSelle) Gone Right

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Waiters preparing the table for a special guest, She reserved the whole place just for her and her Girlfriend. She wanted to be alone with her in a nice dinner...... With a little surprise

"You actually reserved the whole place?"NingNing asked and Giselle nodded Happily

"You shouldn't have, we could've just dined in"NingNing said but Giselle Shook her head

"It's our anniversary, I want our 3 year anniversary to be just us Two"Giselle said and guided Ningning to their seat

They both sat down as the place started echoing romantic music all around, Their Bestfriends helping out with the set up

"You're lucky My father owns the place Aeri"Karina jokingly said as she served the Two their meal

"Really Lucky!"Giselle said and laughed

Karina left the two to eat and signalled at Winter, Winter immediately got the sign and prepared the cake

She walked towards the two and put the cake infront of Giselle, She smiled at them before walking to where karina was and watched them from behind

"So uhh......"Giselle started, NingNing looked at her curious at what she had to say

"NingNing I......"Giselle stuttered and ningning smiled at her cuteness

Giselle cleared her throat and pushed the cake towards Yizhou

"Happy Anniversary"She said and NingNing smiled more

"Happy anniversary"she replied and put a spoon into the cake

As she lift the spoon up.......nothing was there, Giselle looked at the back to where karina and winter was and eyed them

"Where's the ring?" Giselle mouthed to them but the two were just smiling at her

"What? The ring isn't there!" She mouthed again and Karina Shook her head and pointed

Giselle followed to where Karina was pointing and she saw NingNing smiling

"Looking for something?"She asked and Giselle panicked and shook her head furiously

"Then why were you looking at Karina and Winter?"She asked and Giselle gulped

"N-nothing"She replied and wiped off the sweat on her forehead

NingNing laughed and stood up from her seat, Giselle followed her gaze to her as ningning walked to the side of the table

"Baby, you can't trust those two with stuff like these"NingNing said and kneeled infront of Giselle

"They accidentally told me earlier while we were in a call and I wanted you to be surprised and panicked so I went here earlier and got the ring from them"NingNing continued as she took the ring out of her pocket

Giselle opened her mouth and looked back at the two who were laughing at the back

"YOU TRAITORS!!! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU JIMIN!"Giselle yelled and the staff started laughing too

"IT WAS WINTER'S FAULT! SHE TOLD NINGNING BECAUSE SHE WAS EVEN MORE EXCITED"Karina replied and Winter just stucked out her tongue to Giselle

"WE'RE TWINS! HOW COULD YOU DUMB?"Giselle said and acted as if wiping off tears


"Anyways........ I'm not letting you take the spotlight"NingNing said and took out another ring

"Yes Aeri Uchinaga, I will marry you but I have a question"Ningning said and Giselle looked at her

"Will you marry me?"She said and Giselle hugged her

"I will! Ofcourse I will!"Giselle replied and everyone cheered loudly for the two

"Well this wasn't so bad........I thought my proposal would be ruined but well......even when i panicked because of the ring atleast It's gone right"

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