(WinRina) Study

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"Karina help me study for the test"Winter yelled out from her bedroom

Karina who is her roommate comes in and looks at her with an eyebrow raised

"This is the 2nd time you asked me for help and you haven't even paid me yet for the first time Minjeong"Karina replied

"I'll pay you later I promise! Just help me please! I can't afford repeating a school year"Winter begged and Karina had no other choice but to help her

Karina sat down at the edge of Winter's bed and grabbed the papers winter was holding and examined it.Meanwhile Winter was just casually looking at her,staring at Karina's Goddess like features

She hadn't seen Karina up this close because the last time she helped her with a test they were just calling each other as Karina was busy helping her sister in their province

"Which exactly do you need help in?"Karina asked and leaned forward,lending the paper back to winter

Winter was snapped out of her observation to Karina's beauty and looked at the paper

"Are you okay? You look like you lack focus"Karina asked and inched closer to winter

Karina tilted her head to get a better view of winter while the latter girl blush in embarrassment as Karina was just inches away

"You're red too,are you not sick or something?"Karina asked worriedly and placed her hand on winter's forehead

"N-no I'm not sick.....i-it's just quite hot"Winter said and fanned herself

"Are you sure it's not a fever?"Karina asked again taking her hands from winter's forehead to her neck

Winter was too shocked to even move, Karina's moves were bold and unexpected

"I mean if you say so"Karina said taking her hand away and focusing on the papers once again

"Holy shit....I'm gay"Winter whispered to herself

"What?"Karina turned her head and looked at winter

"Huh? What?"Winter asked innocently to not get caught

"I thought I heard you say something"Karina said

"Oh.....No I didn't say anything maybe you're just hearing things"Winter replied and Karina just nodded in response

"Karina what's your type?"Winter suddenly asked

"Type? I'm Blood type B"Karina answered

"No no I meant what's your type in a guy,your idea type"Winter cleared her question

"Who said I'm into guys?"Karina asked and turned to winter,moving her whole body to face winter

"Wait......"Winter paused and tried to process Karina's question

"I'm Bisexual Winter,but I'm mostly attracted to girls"Karina said as winter looked like she was trying to understand her question

"You're not straight? Then what about you and Taeyong?"Winter asked and Karina's face grimaced

"Gross winter,Taeyong is my cousin and he has a boyfriend"Karina answered

"Boyfriend?"winter asked

"Yeah he's bisexual too winter,he and Jaehyun are together"Karina answered and started laughing at Winter who was definitely shocked at this news

"You make me feel so.......mmmh"

Winter immediately turned alarm off and looked at Karina embarrassed

"Your alarm is a sexy song?"Karina asked smirkingly

"I-i just happen t-to like the s-song okay?"Winter replied and tried to focus on the papers

Well at least she tried to since Karina was just staring intently at her,not moving from her spot she tries to look at Karina but it was a big mistake as they had made eye contact

"Peeking aren't we?"Karina asked and took the girl by surprise and embarrassment

"Y-you were l-looking at me first!Winter stuttered

"Why did you need me here again?"Karina asked and winter got confused

"To help me with the test?"Winter answered

"Yeah.........right.......winter you're a math major there's no way you don't know these already"Karina replied and raised the papers up

"Busted......"Winter thought to herself and scratched her head as she had no answer to this

"So? You need me here for what exactly?"Karina asked and stood up

"Uhhmmm......I....just missed you"Winter replied and looked down as her cheeks flushed red

"You missed me?"Karina asked,taken aback of this answer

There was a slight hope in Karina that winter might actually like her back,why would she miss her? They're not even together,they're just roommates

Winter wasn't answering so Karina crawled up into the bed and held winter's chin up to face her,the girl was red as a tomato as she looked into Karina's eyes

"You missed me?......why?"Karina asked softly which melted the younger girl's heart

"I....like you....."Winter said almost in a whisper but to her luck Karina heard it clearly

"You like me?"Karina asked and smiled at the girl

"I like you too Winter"Karina responded and Winter was stunned,she couldn't move

"Did you really not notice? Ever since I moved here I kept my eyes on you,when we first introduced ourselves to each other I was amazed by your features and how nice you are"Karina continued and patted the latter's head

"R-really?"Winter asked who has just now processed what was going on

"Yeah, when I went home to my sister I told her all about you even though I wasn't sure of your feelings yet"Karina answered cutely smiling at winter

"B-but what are w-we now?"Winter asked nervously and Karina chuckled at her cuteness

"Our feelings are mutual winter but let's take it slow,Let's get to know each other more before moving to the next phase of the relationship"Karina answered and planted a kiss on winter's forehead

"Oh and next time make sure to get the right test,I can't teach you math when it's literally where you're the best at"Karina said laughing as she left winter's room

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