(WinRinaNingSelle) Dirty Joke (Gone Wrong)

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(A/N: Idk wtf I wrote HAHAHAHHA I think I'm just too hyper so this came out like this, this is just a crack oneshot XD)

"How do you do it so well?" NingNing asks, fascinated by her unnie's "newfound talent"

"It's all up to technology really" Giselle replies and Karina scoffs, shaking her head knowing what's next to come

"Huh? Technology? But you tied the stem in your mouth?" NingNing asks and Karina wants to laugh so hard but she knows she can't, she has to wait for the real deal to be said so she tries to hold it in as long as until Giselle says it

"Yeah technology, my tongue technology" and there it was, Karina bursts into fits of laughter while NingNing reddens in her seat and Giselle smirks triumphantly

"I really have to not listen in when you're making these dirty jokes, I swear I get dizzy from holding my laughter in" Karina says as she wipes the tears from her eyes, still cackling at what had unfolded

"Yeah? You're good at holding it in aren't you?" Giselle asks and this time NingNing huffs while Karina arches a brow

"How would you know? Been peeping on me?" Karina asks back and Giselle immediately clears her throat

"Fuck... I can't win... Every time" Giselle mutters and Karina smiles victoriously

"Why do you look like you're about to shit yourself?" Winter asks and points at NingNing as she settled the tray of food down on their table

"She's trying not to laugh again" Karina replies and NingNing takes a deep breath before nodding

"Good job lasting that long" Winter said and Giselle silently laughs, Karina covers her mouth and laughs, NingNing had to double down and finally laugh her ass off, their table immediately catches eyes from the loud laughter and Karina immediately smacks NingNing's legs under the table even though she was also losing her shit

"S-stop... Laugh—ing" Karina says in between chuckles, Giselle was going red from laughing and she decides to just hide her face as she continued cackling

"What is wrong with you people... What's funny?" Winter asks, a little weirded out and the three girls just shake their heads at her

"Nothing... Let's just eat" Karina says as she finally composes herself, NingNing was tearing up from laughing and Giselle fanned herself for laughing too hard

"You're all weird" Winter comments as she sits down next to Karina and picks up her utensils

"Hey Karina" Giselle calls out and Karina looks at her

"How long do you think it'll take?" Giselle asks and NingNing looks at them, she clearly doesn't know something they do

"About 30 minutes?" Karina replies and Giselle nods while Winter makes eye contact with NingNing, also confused at the conversation between the two older girls

"Don't try something Yu Jimin" Winter warns as she turns to see Karina already looking at her

"What? What do you mean Yu Jimin? I'm older than you" Karina furrows her eyebrows and Winter looks away

"You're acting weir—" Winter halts as she feels a hand on her thigh

"Huh? What'd you say?" Karina asked, a devious smile plastered across her lips while looking ever so innocent

"N-nothing" Winter replies and tries to not acknowledge the hand that rested atop her thighs, she tries to eat but the hand suddenly moves and suddenly she was gulping her own saliva, her hand shaking while trying to eat a spoonful of rice

"Unnie..." Winter calls out and turns to Karina who shrugs and Giselle laughs

"That didn't last 30 minutes at all, that was like 10" Giselle says and Karina chuckles, pulling her hand back

"Didn't think it'd be like that either" Karina replies and starts eating and only then does Winter realise

"You!" Winter calls out and points at Karina, Giselle starts losing her shit once more and Karina chokes on her food

"Ahh... That's what it was about... Winter, I didn't think you were that—" Giselle immediately covers NingNing's mouth and refrains her from finishing her sentence whilst laughing hysterically, Karina smacks her chest and coughs trying to swallow the food that got stuck in her throat and she grabs her cup of water, chugging it down

"I can't believe you... Honestly" Winter huffs and Karina heaves a sigh of relief as she finally gulps the food down

"It was—"

"Don't say another word" Winter cuts her off and Karina pouts before flipping Giselle off

"Looks like the food is the only thing that'll choke you today" Winter comments and stands up, going to the counter and leaving their table. Giselle suddenly shuts up and stares at Karina, NingNing's mouth gapes open and Karina gets stunned in her seat, red painting her whole face at what they have just heard

"Uhh... Did she just..."

"Karina... You're a damn bottom"

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