(WinRina) My Princess

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(Requested Chapter:Princess Karina X Maid Winter *they said it was okay if it was steamy but in this setting I like it better as a fluff*)

"Karina, your father is asking for you"Winter came in, she looked at Karina who was fixing her hair

"Do you need help your majesty?"Winter asked and Karina turned to her with a smile before nodding her head

The maid made her way to the princess, it was always like this Karina would be doing something and Winter just always happens to show up to help her and although it is her job since Winter has been a maid ever since they were both kids they had become bestfriends

"Why are you always here when I do something? Do you have a weird sense I don't know about?"Karina asked and Winter chuckled as she tucked the hairstrands behind the princess's ear

"Yes your highness, infact it's called Maid duty"Winter replied and Karina smiled

"Would you accompany me to my father's lounge?"Karina asked and Winter nodded

"Shall we, princess?"Winter asked and lent out her hand, Karina gladly took it and they both went outside hand-in-hand

Sometimes Karina would think that Winter was born to be a royalty, as kids she would always teach Karina how to be a proper princess. She even taught the princess how to dance

"Your Majesty? The Princess is here as you've requested"Winter said as she knocked on the door

"Come in please"Karina's father spoke, they opened the door and was greeted with an awfully eerie feeling

"Would you be so kind to leave us Winter? I have important business with my daughter"The King said and Winter politely bowed before tapping Karina's hand

"I'll be outside princess"Winter said and Karina nodded before letting go of her hand

"Yes father? What is it that you wanted to speak about?"Karina asked as she sat down

"Your birthday is coming up, I was wondering if you could come out as well"The king said

"A coming out party on my birthday?"Karina asked

It was tradition to always come out after the 18th birthday but it would always be days after the celebration, because it is a big celebration since the princess will be allowed to take in suitors after the coming out party. The coming out was like an invitation to all the Prince's that they could get married to the Princess, afterall it comes with high status as Karina's father was the leader of all the kings

"Yes my dear, it would be great if you could find a suitable husband.... It's not forever that I'll be king, I need you to fulfill the duties as Queen when I pass on"The King replied

"What about my sister? Irene has always been a well mannered princess, she is also in the age to rule"Karina asked

"But your sister had other plans, she wanted to be a commoner just like her beloved.... You're the only one I can count on Karina, my youngest"The King replied and Karina couldn't answer

She was thinking, "What about me father? I have plans too, does none of what I say not matter?" She wanted to ask it but it was no use, she didn't want to be disrespectful and so she stood up and bowed before heading to the door

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