(NingSelle) Start Over

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"It's been awhile since we've eaten like this... Like... Together I mean"Giselle commented as she grabs a piece of meat that they had just finished cooking

Her and NingNing were currently outside with a grill, just casually grilling meat after NingNing called her saying she found on-sale meat at the shop... She didn't think NingNing would buy atleast a dozen packs of the meat so it was definitely a surprise when she saw NingNing, carrying 3 bags of meat just because it was on sale

"Yeah it has, I feel like the last time we ate together was during Karina unnie and Winter's wedding"NingNing replied, chowing down on the food

She wasn't wrong on the last time they ate together, they literally ate together during Karina and Winter's wedding... Which was a year and a half from today. They've been casually talking but they never really met, they just chatted and called each other but they never met each other on a whim like this

"You know this reminds me of that time... Remember?"NingNing asked and Giselle knew it well, she remembered it to the point that she knows exactly what they said to each other and what happened on that day

"I... Do"Giselle replied and she felt herself slowly succumbing to what she felt, fear and sadness

"If... I didn't go back to my hometown... Would we have... Gotten married?"NingNing asked and it was the question Giselle was fearing the most, it was the question she wanted to avoid... Why? Because...

"I understand your point from that time... I knew it was important for you and your family since it was a sudden loss"Giselle started and NingNing stared at her

"If I hadn't proposed at that time... Maybe it would've been a different outcome... Maybe if I hadn't selfishly bought the rings... Even when you told me you were about to leave... Even when you told me... That nothing could stop you from leaving"Giselle added and NingNing held her shoulder, she looked over at NingNing and all she saw were tears, gushing out from NingNing's eyes... The eyes she swore that would never shed tears because of her... The eyes of that who she wanted to protect

"I'm sorry... If only... I told you I'd come back for you... If only I didn't yell at you for being insensitive of my situation... If only I told you... That I did... I did want to marry you... That I loved you..."NingNing sobbed, her hands shaking as Giselle embrace her

"There's nothing to be sorry about... We were both sensitive at the time... You from the sudden loss of your brother... Me being afraid of losing you forever..."Giselle ushered and NingNing pulls away from her

"I don't blame you for leaving, I know how much you love your family and that they mean the world to you... So please... Don't be sorry for leaving me for your family..."Giselle said and wiped NingNing's cheeks, her hands were retreating when NingNing grab ahold of them

"But Giselle... You too... Mean the world to me... When I lost my brother... I only cared to be with my family... I wanted to see him for the last time... That I threw away the fact that you were part of that too... The people that meant the world to me"NingNing replied and Giselle stared at her, stunned in her place

"Giselle... I'll ask you now... Can we start over again?"NingNing asked and Giselle immediately pulled her hand away

"No... NingNing... We can't"Giselle replied and NingNing felt her heart sink, like a sword just plummeted it down. She smiles weakly before looking down but Giselle lifts her chin to meet her eyes

"Why would we need to start over again when we never stopped?... You left me sure... But we never broke up remember?"Giselle asked and NingNing's eyes began to water again

"Your proof of coming back to me is enough... You didn't need to say it at the time but I waited for you to come back... Because we made a promise... If one of us leaves without a goodbye?"

"Then it isn't a goodbye... It's only temporary..."NingNing replied, her voice cracking before Giselle smiled and pulled her in for a hug again

"I've never let go... I never will... Even if you leave again... Even if  it takes you years to come back... I'd wait... Just like I did now, so there's no need to start anything over because after all... Why would there be a new start if there was no end to the last?"

(A/N: I can only think of either angst or fluff for NingSelle because I just feel like they fit more onto those two... Then I said to myself... Why not mix them both?)

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