(NingSelle) Blood for the blood God

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"Can you move?"A girl said trying to squeeze onto the bus

"Geez it's full already why don't you just get off?"A guy said which cause the Girl's blood to boil

"Why don't you get off since it was your idea?"The girl replied

She was almost getting pushed out but someone grabbed her hand and pulled her,she looked at the girl that pulled her

"I'm sorry she's with me"The girl said holding onto her hand as the bus started moving

"Who are you?"the girl asked

"I'm a nobody"The other girl replied which caused her to roll her eyes

"Well I'm Aeri Uchinaga and thanks by the way"The girl spoke and the shorter girl looked at her

"I'm Ning Yizhou but Ning is fine and you're welcome"The shorter girl replied and looked out the window

'what am I doing.....I shouldn't have helped her now I'm just getting more hungry......I'm already getting hungry from all these people and she just added up' The shorter thought to herself as she forces her fangs to not grow

The bus suddenly stopped causing everyone to stumble,Aeri stumbled backwards and because she was holding onto Yizhou she pulled her along

Aeri bumped into a guy making them stop from stumbling as Yizhou fell towards her neck getting a whiff of her scent

'Fuck......she smells sweet...'Yizhou thought and bit her lip before walking backwards away from the girl

"I'm so sorry are you okay? I didn't mean to pull you with me"Aeri asked and Yizhou just nodded at her not realizing her lip was already bleeding from biting it

A lot of passengers got off the bus making them finally have a seat,they sat next to each other and minded their own business

"Hey your lip is bleeding"Aeri said handing her handkerchief to the girl

Yizhou took the handkerchief and thanked the other girl,she wiped her lips but couldn't help herself from smelling the other girl's scent

'God damn it.......I need to stop thinking about eating.....this could get dangerous'She thought and smiled at the girl beside her

"Well....this is my stop,thanks again Ning"Aeri said as she walked out the bus

She looked back on the bus and smirked at the other girl

'You're quite amusing Miss Ning Yizhou,maybe we could meet again in the underworld sometime' She said through her mind and Yizhou was immediately shocked

'I thought you were human?'Yizhou replied and she could see aeri's smirk growing wider as the bus moved

'I am human,I'm physically human doesn't that count? That means you're human too but with other desires'Aeri said and suddenly the bus driver turned the radio on


She turned her head to the radio as she suddenly heard a whistle......it was a call from her co-league's

'Yizhou where are you? Lycans made an attack to the humans near hangang river,we need you here' Her sister called and she immediately pressed the button on the side of the bus

The bus driver went to the side and opened the door as she ran out,she bumped into several people but she kept running into an alley and quickly flew to hangang river

'i knew I shouldn't have taken that bus'She thought to herself as she witnessed the chaos happening

She went down to her co-league's and pushed the lycans away from them

"What happened?"She asked

"They suddenly made a bet with humans on a competition and when they lost they started attacking them"Her co-league said and she looked around

"This isn't the right time for me.....God damn it I should've had something before going into this blood pit"She cursed and started fighting

People were running away as police gathered and pointed their guns at them

"No one move or we will shoot"A police said and lycans started making their way towards them

The police started shooting but it was no effect as their wounds were healing from drinking vampire blood,The police got thrown everywhere and blood splattered but before the lycans could turn their attention to the vampires several heads flew up and their bodies collapsed

They all looked at the figure on top of a building,it was wearing a black robe and red shoes.They all backed away as the figure went down and started walking towards them

"Leave before I cut your heads off too"The figure said and lycans turned into their wolf form,running away

"Miss Blood,thank you"The vampire clan thanked the lady but Yizhou remained silent as she did not know who this was

The "Miss Blood" walked towards her and lifted up her face,removing the hood from her head.Yizhou scanned the girl's face and she grew in shock

"Funny meeting you here too Ning Yizhou"Aeri greeted smiling at the girl

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