(NingRina) My Cutie

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"Unnie!"Winter called out to Karina as she walked by her at the school's cafeteria

"Oh hey, What's up?"Karina asked and smiled at the girl

Winter blushed and gave a flower to karina before rushing out of the cafeteria

"If Karina answers her it will be a big news to the school"

"They'll be the perfect couple if she answers winter"

Students who watched what had happened murmured about them but Karina didn't care,she knew the girl had a crush on her but she doesn't want to be in a relationship with her as she had someone in mind

And that person she had in mind came into the cafeteria and rushed towards her

"Woah! Calm down why are you running?"Karina asked and gave a towel to the sweating Yizhou

"I heard Winter gave a flower to you,is it-----"she cut her words off as she looked at Karina's hands

"Yeah why?"Karina asked tilting her head cutely to the side

NingNing who was caught off guard with her cute move started breathing heavily

"I---uhh nothing"NingNing said and sat in front of Karina

"Jealous?"Karina asked and NingNing glared at her

"Ofcourse I'm jealous unnie......I'm your girlfriend ofcourse I'll be jealous"NingNing replied and Karina smiled

"Don't be jealous cutie I still love you"Karina said which made the younger's heart melt

"They're so cute together,they're Bestfriend goals"

"The Bestfriend of the year is always them,I mean they always have each other's back"

Students were once again murmuring this time about her and Yizhou,They are known in the school for being the best buddies because they'd always be together,but they didn't know that they were actually together

"Unnie don't you have work in the library today? Didn't you get assigned?"NingNing asked and Karina immediately remembered

Karina is a representative of their school, she's also the student council president so she always gets assigned to do different works

"Right....I'll get going now,be careful while I'm gone okay? Don't be a troublemaker"Karina reminded her girlfriend

NingNing nodded and smiled at her

"I love you Unnie"NingNing said

"I love you too Ning"Karina replied and went to the library

It's been 2 hours and NingNing is in her class,while the teacher was discussing the intercom suddenly made a noise

"Excuse me for interupting any classes but I have received a question from one of our students"

Karina's voice could be heard by everyone in school,NingNing's ears perk up as she hears her girlfriend speaking

"And because today is Q&A for the student council I will be answering this before I go back to work"Karina added and everyone was listening

"The question is........If winter was to confess to you would you accept her confession?"Karina read out and everyone suddenly cheered

"Finally! She's gonna say yes to winter"

"They're gonna be a cute couple!"

The class responded but NingNing stayed quiet

"Actually Winter confessed to me earlier that she actually didn't like me,it was just a dare"Karina started off


"Woah wait what?"

Students gasped and murmured once again

"And it's fine since I already had someone in mind and we've been together for quite a while now...."Karina said and NingNing looked at the speaker

"She's in a relationship? What?"

"She's my Cutie,my strength and happiness.....she's been with me since the start and I would just like to say.......Ning Yizhou.....My Cutie.....I love you"Karina said and the intercom went off

Everyone looked at NingNing who was frozen on the spot,she unconsciously smiled at her girlfriend's words

"Well you're lucky Miss Ning Yizhou"Their teacher said and NingNing looked at him and blushed

"T-thank you sir"was all she could say

Their lesson continued and everyone kept asking NingNing about them but she couldn't answer them because all was on her mind was Karina who just announced their relationship and called her a cutie

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