(WinRina) Dominant/Another Side

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(A/N: This story is {M} rated and not for "That" reason but because this contains a lot of stuff and so Trigger Warning to all of you, proceed to read with caution and immediately skip the part you aren't comfortable of reading as this contains a lot of gore and also mentions of Dea±h and Su!cide, you have been warned! Also long chapter ahead!)


"Winter it's been a few days, I'm surprised you haven't found a new target yet"

"No one's catching my eyes... They're all becoming boring to play with, what about you? What happened with your toy?" Winter asked as they walked the corridors

"Kid transfered, I already told him that I was just playing with him"

"Sometimes I still think you're too nice Yunjin, this is why you're the timid one" Winter replies and Yunjin only shrugs and crosses her arms

"Yo Winter! Yunjin!"

"You're as loud as ever Giselle, where's Ryujin?" Winter asked as they reached the cafeteria, they sat with Giselle and everyone's attention were already on them. Ofcourse it was normal as they were labelled the "F4" of the school as they were all equally famous for their good looks... Another factor that adds to their fame was their little games that always involved getting other students to do anything for them, like a puppet

"She said she'll be here in a bit, I think she's executing her last game" Giselle replied and Winter leans back on her chair, she looks around and everyone's eyes immediately start avoiding hers. She internally scoffed as she knows that they're all avoiding getting played now

"Still no new toy?" Ryujin pats Winter's shoulder and Winter looks at her

"What was your last game?" Winter asked and Ryujin smirked

"Humiliation ofcourse, I can't have any of my toys getting out without a proper send off" Ryujin replied as she sat across Winter

"You really are a proper bad girl, no wonder eveyone hates you" Yunjin said and Ryujin gasped at her, looking offended

"Excuse me but I'm just living up to expectations" Ryujin replied and Giselle shook her head

"And by expectations, you mean the expectations you have for yourself" Giselle points out and Ryujin proudly grinned

"Well ofcourse, it's only natural" Ryujin said and Giselle laughs while Yunjin grimaced, shaking her head

"Who's that girl?" Winter takes their attention and they all immediately turn to her, they look at where she was pointing

"The one with the big ass glasses?" Ryujin asked and Winter nodded

"She's from 3-A... I think her name's Katrina?... Katarina?... Oh! Karina" Yunjin replied and Winter looked at her

"How do you know her?" Winter asked and Yunjin shrugged

"She's the infamous quiet but smart kid of 3-A, she's won multiple awards for the school... But she never gets her face or name plastered across the whole school because she likes to keep things to herself" Yunjin replied and Winter raised a brow at her, growing suspicious

"I asked how you knew" Winter repeated and Giselle nudges Yunjin, she was aware that Winter wasn't the patient type and surely she was getting irritated by Yunjin by now

"Well... We were classmates last year... I sat right behind her and every achievement she gets, I see because the teacher hands it to her while everyone's distracted, I'm not the studious type so I was aware of their exchanges" Yunjin replied and Giselle sighed in relief as Winter looks back at the girl in question

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