(WinRina) Compensate PT.3

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"Hey, wake up it's 6:30... We have work today" Karina shakes Winter and the girl groans before turning to her side

"5 more minutes..." Winter replied groggily and Karina chuckles as she fixes her necktie

"We'll both be late if you keep saying 5 more minutes" Karina says and Winter suddenly sat up, startling Karina

Winter turns to Karina who just raises her eyebrows at her as if asking 'What's going on?'. Winter's eyes widened as she remembered what had happened the day prior and she pulls the blanket to cover her body which made Karina blink at her

"You're dressed..." Karina points out and Winter looks at herself and she indeed was dressed, though the uniform looked big on her

"O-oh..." Winter stutters and Karina clears her throat

"You should go get ready... I'll wait for you in the kitchen" Karina said and leaves Winter be

Winter instantly pinched herself to see if she were in a dream, she winces as she realizes everything's true and that she infact... Did it with her boss, she breathes a sigh of disbelief before quickly going to the wash room, she gets into the work clothes that Karina had prepared for her, again the clothes were big for her frame but it could be fixed with a bit of folding. She makes her way to the kitchen where she sees Karina setting plates down onto the table, she shyly walks towards her and Karina lifts her head up to look at her

"Oh you're done, come let's eat before we go to work" Karina said and Winter nods her head, Karina pulls out a chair for her and Winter politely bows before taking a seat. Karina circles to her chair and sits down, putting water on the empty glasses that she had set

The two ate quietly, both of them not knowing what to say. Winter wanted to compliment Karina's cooking but she was too shy to even lift her head up. When they finished eating Karina cleaned up the table and setted everything in her dishwasher

"Let's go? It's 7:15... We'll be at the company within 30 minutes" Karina said and Winter nods, she follows Karina to her car and was about to get into the backseat but Karina locks it

"Sit here, beside me" Karina said and opened the passenger seat and although reluctant, Winter still went in and buckles her seatbelt. Karina drives them to their company and as soon as they reached the parking lot Winter ran inside without even saying anything which left Karina dumb founded in her car

"Leaving... Just like that..." Karina mutters under her breath as she frowns and parks her car in her designated space, she goes up to her office and settles her things down

"Yo! What should I get you for later? I'll ask now so I don't have to come back later" Giselle bursts in and Karina just stares at her

"Gi" Karina calls out and Giselle walks towards her table, raising her eyebrows

"What's up?" Giselle asked and Karina sighs

"Do... Do I look unattractive?" Karina asked and Giselle eyes widened she slams her hands on Karina's desk

"What!? You? Unattractive? Where? Who told you that? They're fucking blind" Giselle replied and Karina flicks her forehead making her wince

"Ow! What was that for?" Giselle asked as she rubbed her forehead

"That's for over reacting, I just asked a simple question" Karina replied and Giselle frowns

"No you're not unattractive, who told you that anyways? I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind" Giselle says and Karina rolls her eyes

"No one... I just asked... Because there's this girl that's acting awkward around me... And I thought maybe it displeased her to look at me" Karina opens up and Giselle gets taken aback

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