(WinRina) A Day With Honey

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"Win..." Karina called out, tapping her wife and kissing her forehead to stir her awake

It was already morning, they woke up minutes prior and made breakfast but Winter wanted to cuddle up to her wife since it was still early and she was still sleepy

"Hmm... Five more minutes..." Winter grumbled as she buried her face into the crook of Karina's neck

"Your 5 minutes is gonna turn into 30 if you don't get up now, come on let's get up" Karina says and tries to lift her wife off but Winter keeps a firm hold on her, shaking her head

"Baby... Jaerim is gonna be late for school if we don't start moving now" Karina says and silence... Then Winter's head flings up

"Oh! I gotta wake up Jaejae!" Winter scurries off, jumping off of her wife and almost tripping over herself as she runs to their daughter's room whilst Karina only chuckled, smiling as she watched her wife scramble to get their child from her room

"Mami! Mo'ning!" Jaejae greets as Winter carried her to the table

"Good morning sweetie, did you have a good sleep? No nightmares?" Karina asks as she gets the high chair set up and helps her wife put their child to sit on it

"Hmm! No bad boo, mama and mami kiss mali so no bad boo nighty" The child tells her mothers with a smile and it tugs on their hearts to see their baby trying earnestly to explain that she had no nightmares because they kissed her goodnight the night prior

"You're so cute baby~ Do you want pancakes? Mama cooked pancakes for you" Winter asks and the child immediately nods in excitement

Karina smiles before going to their fridge to grab her daughter some milk, she pours it into the small cup before setting it beside Jaejae's plate while Winter put some pancake on her plate, cutting it into smaller pieces before transferring them onto their daughter's plate

"Honey?" Karina asks and Winter turns to her with a questioning look

"Not you silly, I'm asking if she wants honey on her pancake" Karina says as she notices Winter waiting

"Oh..." Winter blushes and looks at their daughter, trying not to look at her wife because of embarrassment

"Mmhm! Honhon!" Jaejae chants and Karina immediately grabs the bottle of honey and puts some onto Jaejae's plate

"Honey" Karina calls out but Winter doesn't turn her head, thinking Karina is just repeating her words for Jaejae to get a hang of them

"Honey... Should I get you some pancakes too? Are you not hungry?" Karina asks and Winter's head turns in surprise, her eyes widening

"H-huh?" Winter asks, puzzled

"I asked if you want some pancakes too" Karina asks again and Winter just nods, not knowing what to say next... Did she really call me honey?

"Yes I did" Karina says and Winter looks at her, bewildered at how she just knew what Winter was thinking about

"You're too obvious just so you know" Karina adds

"I am not!" Winter defends herself... Even though it's futile since her wife knows her like the back of her hand

"Sure you aren't, Honey" Karina teases while she puts pancakes on both her plate and her wife's plate, Winter huffs in embarrassment and turns her attention back to their child who was happily eating her breakfast

"Mami and Mama are dropping you off at the daycare today baby" Winter says, changing the topic as their daughter finishes eating, Karina just listens in as she cuts her pancake and eats the piece she cut off

"Yay! I be good at dayday" Jaejae exclaims and Winter laughs, patting her head

"That's right baby" Winter replies and gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead, Jaejae smiles and drinks her milk before making grabby hands at Karina who immediately stops chewing and stands up

"Do you want Mami and Mama to watch you at daycare today? We don't have work today" Karina says as she lifts Jaejae up and settles her on her lap as she sat back down to eat

"But Jaejae play with seongsaeng" Jaejae replies and Karina looks at her, Winter starts eating as well while watching her wife and daughter

"You like playing with teacher more than Mami and Mama? Ouchie... Mami is hurt" Karina acts and pouts, causing Jaejae to shake her head with a frown and Winter to choke, coughing at how childish her wife was despite being older

"Nu! Jaejae wuv Mami and Mama! Jaejae want Mami and Mama west!" Jaejae responds, hugging her mother who was having fun teasing her

"Aww that's so sweet, baby wants Mami and Mama to rest because we have no work?" Winter asks and Jaejae turns to her and nods

"Okay okay then you play with teacher while Mami and Mama rest?" Karina asks and Jaejae nods her head again

"What? She looks cute when she gets like that... She got it from you" Karina says as she noticed her wife's glare, probably from the teasing of their daughter

"What's that supposed to mean?" Winter asks and Karina smiles

"It means you're cute when you get teased... I like seeing you whine" Karina replies and her smile gets wider as Winter visibly gulps and looks down at her plate, her ears turning completely red

"Mama is cute, right Jaejae?" Karina asks and Jaejae nods her head, smiling

"Get her dressed already" Winter says and Karina laughs as she stands up and lifts Jaejae on her shoulders

"Let's take a bath now hmm?" Karina says and Jaejae giggles, nodding her head

"You wanna come bathe with us?" Karina asks with a smile and Winter grabs Jaejae's empty plastic plate and throws it at Karina who immediately dodges it

"Hey! I'm carrying Jaejae!" Karina scolds her but still laughs as her wife immediately frowns while looking at her

"Okay okay I'll bathe her... We can bathe together later while Jaejae's at the daycare" Karina says and makes a run for it while holding Jaejae securely who was having fun riding on her shoulders while Winter was left at the table, covering her face with her hands

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