(WinRina) Good Girl PT.2 {M}

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(since a lot was requesting for it XD here you go)

To everyone's surprise the third week was the quietest of their week, Winter wasn't getting into trouble not because she was being ignored by the teacher but because she was actually behaving herself

"Girl.... Did you eat something? Why are you so quiet?"Giselle whispered, nudging her friend

"Shh..."Winter shushed her and went back to writing, taking Giselle aback

Winter never writes anything down, She always gets notes from Giselle or NingNing and even then she doesn't copy them and just reads them and ofcourse it's for nothing since in exams she just copies their answers

"You're so weird this week.... It's like you shed a skin or something"NingNing said and giggled as Winter rolled her eyes

"Girls at the back please listen, Miss Yizhou and Miss Uchinaga please"Jimin called making the two girls face the front

"Don't bother Miss Kim and listen to me"Jimin said which made the class go "Oh? What?"

Usually it was the opposite, Winter would get into trouble for pestering her friends and now it was the other way round which made everyone confused

"Miss Kim? Could you answer this for me?"Jimin asked and the student stood up and went to the board, grabbing the marker

"You're doing well baby..... You're doing as I've told you....... You're doing it very well"Jimin whispered before going behind her to see the answer that she was writing

Winter gulped at the endearment, Jimin would always call her 'baby' whenever she comes closer or tells her something, Ofcourse only she could hear it but something in the way that the teacher says it makes it so much different from all the boys and girls that have called her that.... She liked how the word rolls off of the teacher's tongue, like Jimin's lips were meant to be calling her baby

"Great job Miss Kim, That's correct... Please head back to your seat"Jimin complimented and Winter smiled, going back to her seat as she bit her bottom lip

"Alright that's enough for today class, I'll see you all on Monday"Jimin said as the bell rang, the students cheered and grabbed their bags and bidding their goodbyes to the teacher before heading out

"Do you want to hang today? We can do a sleep over during the weekends too"Giselle asked and looked at Winter

"It's okay.... I have some things.... To do, you girls go ahead"Winter replied and the two looked at her suspiciously before heading out, saying goodbye to the teacher

All that was left in the classroom was Winter and Jimin. Jimin looked at Winter as the girl expectantly looks back at her, she bites back a smile at how Winter looked like she would pounce on her at any second

"Do you still need anything Miss Kim?"Jimin asks and lifts up her head to directly look at the girl, the girl smiled and nodded her head

Happily skipping over to her table and biting her lip as she reaches Jimin

"A-about that.... R-reward..."Winter stuttered and Jimin finally letted out a smile as she hears the word 'reward'

"My princess is a little too eager for her reward, No?"Jimin asks and Winter looks at her and as if a lost puppy, shaking her head to tell Jimin she's not eager

"Do you want your reward claimed Princess?"Jimin asks and Winter's eyes lit up

"You've been a good girl all week.... I think you deserve it, don't you think so too baby?"Jimin asked again and stood up from her seat, Winter followed her movements and nodded her head smiling

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