(WinRina) A Happy Valentine's Day {M+}

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ABO and G!P warning!

Being friends for almost a decade is something that the girls are proud of, they've have their fall outs and all time lows, they had fights over meaningless things but it was never enough to split the 4 girls apart from each other, even more so when Giselle had announced that she and NingNing were starting to go out with each other

"Hey girls, any plans for today? You know since it's Valentine's?" Karina asked as she sat down with the lovebirds who were watching a tv show

"Oh! Yeah, we're planning on going out in a little bit and we're gonna have dinner with NingNing's parents" Giselle replied and Karina nods her head

"We might stay over at their place too since you know how mom can get" NingNing says and Karina chuckles, remembering the time that Giselle and NingNing went and told them that they were seeing each other, ofcourse it was sudden news but it was great because their parents have been cheering them on for quite some time. It just took a bit more time for them to realize their feelings for each other, NingNing's mom immediately called their whole family despite them only visiting Korea at the time and at least 200 people came from their family in China just to greet the new couple, it was overwhelming to say the least, Karina and Winter were dragged along for moral support but they were quickly as confused as the new couple when people suddenly started barging into the house (which NingNing's parents urged them to stay the night and leave the next day) and... They couldn't leave the next day because there were too many people greeting them that it took another day just to finish formally greeting everyone. NingNing apologized for it but the girls were appreciative of the warm welcome, even Karina and Winter who were only supposed to be there to be their anchor while they told NingNing's parents about their relationship

"What about you unnie?" NingNing asked and Karina shrugged

"I'll just stay here, I might make some sweets later... Winter said that she'll stay home as well since she doesn't really have anything to do" Karina replied and Giselle nudged her

"When will you start dating?" Giselle asked and Karina's brow arched

"Me? Date? I don't even meet people" Karina replies clueless to what Giselle was hinting at which made NingNing sigh

"Why hasn't Winter come out?" Giselle asked and Karina looks at Winter's bedroom door, it had been awfully quiet

"Maybe she was just tired from work yesterday, let's just let her rest... You're going to NingNing's parent's later... Make sure you don't be loud" Karina teased and NingNing's face immediately turned red while Giselle's eyes widened

"Oh and remember what NingNing's mom said?" Karina jokes and Giselle blushed

"No... Knotting... Just yet" Giselle replied and Karina laughs

"Yes, just yet since they are still conservative of pregnancy before marriage" Karina reminds and Giselle nods her head shyly while NingNing covered her face


"We'll get going now unnie, we'll see you tomorrow" NingNing bids and Karina waves them goodbye, she waited until the two girl's car had gone before going back inside the house... Winter still hadn't come out, not even to bid goodbye to the couple which had Karina worried that she might be sick

"Winter?" Karina calls out as she knocks softly on the door, there was a bit of rustling

"Y-yes?" Winter replied... Karina was now more worried as it sounded like Winter was in pain

"Are you alright? The girl's already left for their date and you didn't bid them goodbye, you also have stayed in your room since earlier... Are you sick or something? Your voice doesn't sound good either" Karina asks worriedly

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