(WinRina) 3 years is enough

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Karina stared at Winter as they sat through the movie, they were having a usual "Hang out"

It was a usual thing that they would keep each other company, it's almost like an everyday thing at this point. Karina always made time for Winter, she didn't mind what time or day Winter had invited her, she was always free... For her

"Can you pass me the drinks?"Winter asked and Karina immediately reaches out to the table beside her and hands Winter her drink, Winter had her eyes glued to the screen as she takes the drink from Karina's hand

Karina on the other hand... She'd already watched the movie a couple of times but when she heard that Winter hadn't seen it before, she purposely made the girl curious about the movie just so they could watch it together. If their friends hadn't figured it out by now they were surely not real friends as it was clear as day that Karina had feelings for her best friend

"It's getting cold..."Winter mumbles and Karina quickly stands up to get a blanket from her room, she gives it to Winter who smile at her before watching the movie intently again

Karina has liked her for quite some time already but she wasn't sure if the girl felt the same, afterall... They were only best friends. Karina had tried to confess several times but it all ended badly

"Gosh it really was a good movie!"Winter stretches her arms out and Karina looks at the screen, it was already rolling out the credits

"I told you it was good"Karina says anf Winter chuckles at her

"Yeah yeah... Say... Can I stay for the night?"Winter asked and Karina's head immediately turned to her

"What?"Karina asked and Winter raised a brow

"I said, can I stay for the night? My sister's not coming home tonight and I'd be alone at the house"Winter explained and Karina didn't know what to do

The most normal thing would be to let her stay but Karina knows she's not at the stage where she could handle Winter sleep next to her because, there was no way Winter would sleep on the couch and Karina could barely fit in it so it would be uncomfortable if she were the one to sleep on it

"Rina?"Winter called out and Karina snaps out of her thoughts, she clears her throat

"Y-eah... You can stay the night"Karina replies and Winter smiles and stands up

"Great! Just so you know... I'm sleeping on the bed with you whether you like it or not and don't you dare sleep on the couch"Winter says as she makes her way to Karina's room

Karina remained in her seat, she sighed as she didn't have a choice. All she could do now is pray to heaven that Winter wouldn't get too close otherwise she'd meet Saint Peter early

Karina makes her way into her room and Winter was already laid down, she looked at Karina before tapping the empty space beside her and Karina could only gulp and awkwardly get on the bed

"Are you okay? Why are you moving... So stiffly?"Winter asked and Karina just shakes her head before laying down, she makes room in between them as she takes a heavy breath

"G-goodnight Winter..."Karina says and reaches for the lamp but before she could turn off the light she felt a hand on her cheek

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