(WinRina) Compensate {M}

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"Winter please go up to the 3rd floor and give these to our boss"

Winter immediately stands up and grabs the papers that were being handed over to her, she glances at her workmates who acted like they were looking at her at all... They all had one thought and it was "Poor thing... Hopefully she doesn't get yelled at"

Winter gulps as she gets into the elevator, before the doors closed she saw her bestfriend giving her a "fighting" sign and she just awkwardly smiles in return. She felt like the time in the elevator was too short as the doors opened in front of her, she takes a deep breath before stepping out and walking into the corridor

"M-miss... Miss Karina I have... Documents from the 1st floor department..."Winter says as she knocks on the door of the office, the people on the 3rd floor were glancing over at her thinking "Best of luck to this one, hopefully she survives"

"Come in"

The deep voice resonated through the intercom and Winter felt her skin getting goosebumps, she nervously reaches for the doorknob and twists it; she looks at their boss as she opens the door and immediately looks down, afraid that she'll get yelled at for staring

"She's so pretty..."Winter thought as she walked inside, her head hung low

"Sit"Karina says as Winter reached her table, Winter looks up at her in shock but the girl was looking at papers on her desk and so Winter had no choice but to follow her order... It's not like she had a choice either

"Did you say that these were from the 1st floor? Are you in that department?"Karina asks and Winter slowly nods her head as she gives the paper to Karina

"Karina here's your food"A girl suddenly bursts through the door, shocking Winter into standing up

"Learn how to knock Giselle, you can't just burst into my office like that... Give that to me"Karina says and Giselle rolls her eyes before settling the lunch down on Karina's desk

"Who is this?"Giselle asks and Winter immediately bows at her

"That's someone from the 1st floor... Get your ass back to the 2nd floor Giselle, I'm in the middle of work"Karina replies and Giselle makes faces at her before patting Winter's shoulder

"You're like a puppy in the Dragon's den, you're not gonna be eaten alive so just relax"Giselle says and heads out

"Sit back down"Karina orders and Winter sits down, her eyes fixated on the floor

"What's your name?"Karina suddenly asks and Winter gulps

"It's... It's W-winter... Ma'am"Winter replies and Karina clears her throat

"Tell your leader that you're missing 2 documents from this, bring it to me later. This needs to be finished today"Karina says and Winter nods her head

"I didn't hear your response Miss Winter"Karina says and Winter immediately stands up

"Y-yes ma'am!"Winter exclaims and dashes out of the office, Karina stares at the door in shock before letting out an amused chuckle

"A Puppy in the Dragon's den huh?"

Winter runs to the elevator and immediately presses her floor, not waiting any longer as heads turn to her in shock. No one expected her to be bolting out of their boss's office like that specially because they hadn't heard Karina scream out of anger yet

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