(WinRina) The Pretenders {M}

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(I'm starting to think this book is just a one-shot of WinRina...... Idk what to write for other ships (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I could've definitely written this as a NingSelle/WinNing or even WinSelle but it just fits more to WinRina and I'm used to writing those two)

"Wrong again Karina, do it properly... I need these documents in an hour"Winter demanded and putted the paper that Karina had just given her, it took Karina all day just to finish that paper but it was sent back to her in less than 20 minutes

"Yes ma'am..."Karina replied and sighed as her boss had left to go back to her office, Giselle peeked at her and had a worried look

"You alright? I can help you with that if you want"Giselle offered but Karina shook her head and smiled

"It's fine, I'll get these done... You do you"Karina replied and Giselle worriedly went back to her own work

After 30 minutes of re-writing everything, Karina stood up and grabbed the paper from her desk and went to her boss's office, she was immediately greeted by a cold aura and a stare that could've pierced through her body if it were possible

"Here's the documents ma'am... All fixed up"Karina said and settled the papers down

"You're really close with Uchinaga aren't you?"Winter asked and Karina looked at her, Winter picked up the paper and started reading though it

"What's wrong with being close to a colleague?"Karina asked and Winter slammed the paper back onto her table, startling Karina and probably everyone outside too by how loud it was

"You're being too close Karina... I don't like that, do you understand?"Winter asked, gritting her teeth but not letting her voice be too loud for everyone to hear

As you could've guessed already the two were more than just an employee and a CEO but no one knew that but them, no one knows as Karina wished because she was afraid that Winter's name would be used in all sorts of rumors because of her and she couldn't let that happen

"We're just friends, nothing more... Why are you so worked up about it? We've talked about it at home a dozen times"Karina replied and Winter stood up

"Because she clearly has an eye for you, you haven't seen how she gawks at you everytime we have a team dinner? Or how about the times she tries to get closer to you?"Winter asks but Karina remained calm

"Just read the paper, let's talk at home"Karina said and was about to walk away but Winter was quick enough to stop her in her tracks

"No, I want to talk... Now"Winter said but Karina swung her arm which caused Winter's grip to slide off

"We're working Winter, let's keep it professional... Remember our promise"Karina replied and Winter huffed before stomping her way back to her chair as Karina went out

To everyone else it seemed like Karina had messed up yet again that Winter got mad, they all went over to check on her and she just replies with "I'm okay, don't worry" and goes back to work

"You aren't heading home yet?"Giselle asked and Karina looked at her before shaking her head

"I don't understand why you stay late everyday... I can drive you home, you don't need to stay late everytime and you can alway finish work tomorrow morning"Giselle said and Karina just smiles

"It's fine, I'll be out in a few... I'm just finishing these"Karina replied, Giselle sighs and looks at Winter's office

"Want me to wait for you? I can drop you off at your house... I'm kinda worried for you since Boss is also staying late everyday"Giselle said and Karina stared at her

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