(WinRina) Good Girl PT.3 {M}

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(Requested Chapter! Enjoy!)

It's the last day of the new teacher's substitution, to everyone's disappointment as the substitute had already grown on them. Not only was Jimin a really good teacher, she was also very outgoing when with her students to the point where even her students call her by her nickname "Karina"

"Can't you be a full time teacher Miss Karina?"One of the students asked

"I told you guys, I'm not fit for that and besides I probably won't be able to handle it"Karina replied as she sat down in her chair, she had told her students they won't really be getting into any lessons that day as she felt bad if she taught lessons normally and wouldn't be able to send her goodbyes to the student who had also grown on her

"You handled Winter in just a few days, you'll be fine Miss Karina"Giselle said and Winter twitched in her chair, she was staying quiet to avoid any unnecessary words that might come out of her mouth

"Yeah... She handled me... Really fucking good"Winter thought as she looked at the teacher upfront

"Oh but Miss Kim was different, she just needed a little encouragement and a little discipline"Karina replied smiling as she looks back at Winter

"Are.... You gonna leave after today?"Winter suddenly asked and everyone turned quiet as they looked at Karina

"Maybe? I'm not sure, I feel like teaching isn't really for me"Karina replied and no one said a word

"Are you saying that you're not capable of teaching when you're my blood?"

The doors suddenly opened revealing the one and only, Bae Joohyun or mostly known as "The terror teacher, Miss Irene"

"Mom? What are you doing here?"Karina asked, standing up from shock

"What? I can't visit you while at work? Besides I was called in for a meeting so I wanted to check out how you were doing"Irene replied and headed inside the classroom

"Ahh this classroom feels nostalgic... But it also feels horrifying, God this is where I met Seulgi"Irene said and Karina furrowed her eyebrows

"Huh?"Karina asked

"This was my classroom, I used to teach in this very classroom"Irene replied to Karina's surprise

"I.... I didn't know"Karina said and Irene chuckled

"Well--- oh? Winter Kim?"Irene asked and looked at the girl, Karina turned her head to Winter who looked as shocked as she was

"Winter Kim right? Your sister is Yerim am I right?"Irene asked and Winter politely nodded

"Yerim?.... You mean Auntie Yeri?"Karina asked and Irene nodded

"Yeah you didn't know? I guess Yerim didn't tell you... But Winter-shi your sister and I are friends"Irene said and Winter didn't reply

"That Kid.... I'll get her for not telling stories to you two, anyways I'm gonna go now I feel like I'll get yelled at by the principal if I don't go now"Irene said and patted her daughter on the shoulder

"Come with us to dinner Winter, I'll let your sister know since she's at the meeting as well and I know for sure she won't say no to food"Irene said and Winter just nodded even though not much has sank into her

"Well seems like this won't be your last meeting with Miss Yoo"NingNing said and wiggled her eyebrows at Winter who just rolled her eyes as the whole class suddenly started teasing them

"That's enough class, let's get back to business shall we?"Karina cleared her throat and everyone silenced up

"This is our last day together so why not just make it fun, right? Since all the other teachers are in faculty and most students are out and about... How about we all go out of this stinking classroom and just hang outside?"Karina asked and everyone cheered

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