(WinRina) Bestfriends {M}

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(A/N: Long ass chapter ahead XD wrote this on a whim and it might not be comprehensible on some parts, this is literally 5.5k words in one chapter idk how I made it so long either)

There are a few things that a person has to go through, waking up in the morning, getting ready for the day and falling in love with their best friend... Okay that last part might've been biased but can you blame Minjeong for having done so?

"Girl... You've been melting" NingNing calls out and Winter immediately snaps out of her dazed thinking

"W-what were you saying?" Winter asks and NingNing glares at her

"Why don't you just confess already? Karina doesn't look all that straight... And besides didn't you say that she was touchy with you?" NingNing asks and Winter's eyes widened

"That's not— I... I don't know... I just... I don't want to ruin what we have..." Winter replies in defeat, her shoulders drooping

"Why do you look like a dog that didn't get its treat?" Giselle asks as she sits with the two

"I told her to bitch up and confess but she's too scared" NingNing replies and Giselle laughs

"Seriously? If I hadn't known better I'd think you're a loser but everyone knows you as this nonchalant person, you know? Vice President of the Council things" Giselle says and Winter looks at her

"So what? What does that have to do with anything?" Winter asks and Giselle sighs

"I mean to say that, that's exactly the problem, you're too... Laid back looking like you don't give a shit about anything, you wear baggy clothes to school I mean sure it suits you and you look handsome as fuck but come on you're a cutie patootie, I've seen your wardrobe" Giselle says and NingNing gasps

"Really!? What does her wardrobe look like?" NingNing asks and before Winter could stop Giselle her eyes land on a specific person coming their way

"Hey girls! What are you talking about?" Karina asks as she approached the table with a big smile, of course she's that famous campus girl that's always a fun and outgoing girl, a complete opposite of what (people think) Winter was like

"Oh! Karina you've been to Winter's house right?" Giselle asks as she smirked at the now quiet girl, looking anywhere else besides Karina

"Yeah, why?" Karina asks curiously

"Have you seen her closet?" NingNing asks and Karina purses her lips, thinking for a moment

"No I don't think so... Why? I feel like it's filled with oversized shirts and baggy pants" Karina replies and Winter reddens, sure that was kind of on point... Half of her closet is basically just that but the other half—

"Oh! You've missed out on a great opportunity! Winter has a collection of girly girl things, she has stuff ranging from short skirts to crop tops like the ones in the cheerleading team" Giselle replies and Karina looks at Winter with a shocked expression as the girl hides her face in embarrassment, she of course hid that kind of side of her mainly because she just wanted to feel more comfortable

The reason behind that was because she didn't want to be seen wearing those kinds of clothes after she's already built herself to look like a cool kid... Also to not attract attention, the last thing she wants is people pestering her around and she's been used to wearing her baggy clothes to school because she can move as she wanted (it was because Karina had told her how cool she looked wearing those kinds of clothes)

"Wow... I never knew... Care to show us next time?" Karina asks with a smile and Winter couldn't meet her gaze from the embarrassment

"Karina! We've got basketball practice!"

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