(WinRina) Dream? {M}

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!Slight (M) rating, please skip if you're not comfortable¡

"Winter..."Karina called out to her wife who was squirming on the bed, her eyes landing on Winter whilst she holds onto the book she was reading

"Baby.... Wake up, what are you---"She got cut off as she heard the girl's moan, she froze on her spot

"Hmm..... Rina.... Please"Winter pleaded, her eyes still closed

Karina widened her eyes in shock, her hands shaking as she tries to wake up her wife. Winter suddenly opened her eyes, panting and then...... Their gazes met. Cheeks flushed in red, clearly from embarrassment

"Uhm... G-good m-morning"Winter greeted, clearing her throat

"What...... What were you dreaming of?"Karina asked and this time it was Winter's eyes that grew, she couldn't answer nor think straight (she wasn't straight either way LOL anyway)

"I-it's nothing..... Y-you knew I was d-dreaming?"Winter asked, telling herself that maybe Karina only knew because she opened her eyes suddenly

"Yeah..... You were moaning my name"Karina replied and a sly smirk slowly appeared on her face

"W-what!?"Winter asked, shocked and horrified at what she had heard

Winter prayed that her wife was joking but she chuckled to answer her question, only proving that it was in fact real and she heard it all

"L-look! I-it's..... It was a n-nightmare!"Winter defended but it was no use since she knew her lie wouldn't get through to her wife

"Yeah yeah okay..... Then tell me..... Why were you begging me something?"Karina teased and Winter could no longer answer and defend herself as embarassment already engulfed her

"Was it that lonely for 3 years?"Karina asked and closed the book she had been reading

Winter only fidgeted with her fingers, she didn't know whether to answer or not and knowing her wife she would probably tease her

"Hey..... Answer me Win"Karina said and Winter looked at her

"Maybe..."Winter replied shyly and Karina smiled at her cuteness

"Then you should've told me, I could've gotten a leave for a few days to be with you"Karina replied, opening her arms to the latter girl

Winter dove in for a hug, her wife's perfume enlightening her nose. She looked up to smile at Karina

"I was afraid..... I know how work means to you"Winter replied and it only made Karina regret not coming home

"I'm sorry baby..... But what do you say?"Karina asked, Winter only looked at her in confusion

Karina chuckled and pinched her wife's nose before cupping her cheeks and leaning closer

"What do you say we make that dream of yours..... Into reality?"Karina asked, her voice deepening

Winter stared at her wife, processing what she had said but before she could even say a word she was already cut off by Karina's lips on hers. She responded, fixing herself on the bed and wrapping her hands on Karina's nape

Karina bit Winter's lower lip, making the girl gasp and with this opportunity Karina slid her tongue in. Fighting for dominance as her hand slither their way onto Winter's back, caressing it before firmly grabbing onto one of her cheeks. Winter moaned, pulling away from the kiss as a victory smile appear on Karina's face

Karina didn't stop there, her lips attacking Winter's jaw down to her neck, sucking on the sweet spot making the girl close her eyes

"F-uck..... R-rina...."Winter shakily moaned, her hands now on Karina's hair gripping it

"Yes baby?..... What do you want?"Karina asked slightly pulling away, her hands still groping Winter's ass

"Don't..... D-don't make me p-plead"Winter said as Karina's grip became tighter

"But you seem to like pleading baby..... Even in your dreams"Karina smirked and her hands finally removing from Winter's ass

She plans on not continuing as the girl won't plead just to tease her more, she waits for an answer from the younger girl but Winter only stared at her. She smiled and grabbed her book again, opening it but Winter's hand blocked her view from if

"Yes?"Karina asked, a hint of teasing in her voice as Winter ponders on what to say

"I'm waiting Winter..... If you have nothing to say then let me read"Karina said and Winter bit her lip

As much as it was attractive to the older girl, she was focused on her task to make the girl plead for what she wanted. The suffering is on both ends here, once the other makes a move it's already a lost

"P..... p-please"Winter started, Karina was already anticipating the next words but she remained calm

Karina lifted up a brow at Winter as if asking her to continue her words, Winter blushed and she looked at Karina in the eyes

"P-please baby..... F-..... Fuck m-me"Winter finally pleaded but it wasn't enough

"I couldn't hear you, pardon me?"Karina asked and Winter swallowed a lump in her throat, gathering her courage to say it louder

"Please..... Fuck me baby"Winter said, stopping herself from stuttering to make the words clearer

The smile on Karina's face grew, she immediately rolled on the bed making Winter lay down and her hovering on top

"Hey---"The door bursted open and they look to see who it was

"Come on! It's early in the morning Mommy! You promised to take me and Junie to the beach today!"Their oldest daughter whined

Karina could only laugh at her wife's unknown face, she was pouting at Karina

"Do that later! I promise me and Junie will go to aunt Gigi and aunt NingNing's house for you two"Their daughter said and Karina sighed

"Fine..... Rayeon get dressed, tell Junyoung to get dressed too I'll take you to the beach"Karina replied and the girl happily exited their room

"I just.... Pleaded for nothing"Winter said and Karina almost choked on air laughing

"Don't worry you'll get your prize later"Karina replied, winking at her wife before grabbing the car keys

Winter looked at her phone which vibrated and her eyes landed on the text

"You owe me Mom, this will not go untold if there's no payment..... Love Yeonyeon"

"I swear..... I gotta stop letting the kids hang out with Aeri and NingNing..... Not today though"Winter facepalmed upon reading her daughter's text

"You owe me too Big girl, don't go threatening me with your girlfriend on the line here.... Love Mom"

Winter laughed as she heard her daughter screaming from her room "MOM!! THAT'S NO FAIR!" she yelled back ofcourse "IT'S ONLY FAIR HONEY! NOW BRING OTHER CLOTHES, YOU'LL SLEEP AT AUNT GIGI AND NINGNING" and her wife's laugh followed along her reply

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