(WinRina) High School Crush {M}

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G!P warning!! ABO (Omegaverse)

"Why am I always getting dragged in your little plans?" Winter asked as she lets herself get pulled by her bestfriend

"Because your introvert ass is not gonna land you any other friends besides me" Giselle said as she rolled her eyes, continuing to pull Winter along

"Where are we even going?" Winter asked and suddenly she regretted letting her bestfriend drag her out of her house

"We're going to a Highschool reunion party!"


Upon arrival they were immediately greeted by their batchmates, it was no surprise that almost everyone knew Winter because even though she was extremely introverted even before she was still President of the student coucil. Ofcourse everyone knew Giselle too but she's more of the "I'm friends with everyone" type of gal which immediately made their entrance bothersome because everyone was practically all over them

"Hey! You guys! Remember dorm Christina?" One of their batchmates asked

"Dude! They're having a get together next door! Look!"

And with that everyone scurried to see if it was true, Dorm Christina was a well-known dorm house in their school mainly because it housed the popular girls of their school and also because Dorm Christina was the one and only sorority house

"Wasn't your crush in dorm christina?" Giselle asked and looked at Winter

"What? You're gay?" NingNing came up from behind and startled the two

"Babe! Stop that!" Giselle exclaimed and slapped her girlfriend's arm

"Did you think Winter was straight?, Winter's an alpha" Giselle replied and NingNing raised a brow

"You are? I always thought were a beta" NingNing replied and Winter just awkwardly smiled

"Yeah... It's not in my nature to be that kind of alpha" Winter replied and rubbed her nape

"Also did you just say her crush is from dorm christina? Let me guess... Yeji?" NingNing asked and Giselle laughed while Winter immediately shook her head

"Then... Sana?" NingNing asked again and Winter once again shook her head

"No... Don't tell me... Is it Karina?" NingNing asked and Giselle laughed harder as Winter looked away and slowly nodded her head

"Oh my god... Until now?" NingNing asked and Winter cleared her throat

"Uhm... Yeah..." Winter replied and NingNing looked at Giselle

"Have you not told her?" NingNing asked and Giselle shook her head which made Winter curious

"Tell me what?" Winter asked and looked at Giselle, Giselle holds her by the shoulders and smiles deviously

"Karina's my cousin"

It ringed in Winter's ear, her eyes widened in horror as she realised she'd been fantasizing over Karina and telling her COUSIN all throughout Highschool, college and even at that moment. Winter felt like a hammer was plunged straight into her skull upon hearing that

"Are you ser-"


Winter froze in her spot as she knows that voice all too well, that deep alluring voice that she was so mesmerized by... Was none other than her first love's... Karina

"Hey cous! How was your get together? Everyone was so stoked to hear that you girls were hanging out together today as well" Giselle asked and Karina came closer to them

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