(WinRina) An Enemy To Look Out For PT.2 {M}

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The heat didn't die down, instead it got significantly hotter as Karina slowly palmed Winter's skin. She wasn't just touching her, she was feeling her up, every nook and cranny of Winter... She wanted to discover every part of her which left Winter helplessly clutching onto the headrest of the backseat, her moans no longer contained as Karina started biting down on her neck

"Fuck... I love your voice... It makes me go feral... Why do you have this effect on me Winter?"Karina asks as she pulls away, her hands finally settled on Winter's waist and Winter had to lean her head on Karina's shoulder and catch her breath

"I don't know... But you're not the only one gong feral here"Winter replies, almost out of breath

Karina's hand slowly went down onto Winter's pants, she gave the girl a smack and Winter arched her back in pleasure

"I want to fuck you so senselessly... But not here... We'd get caught, can you wait for a minute?"Karina asked and Winter nods her head, light headed from the things that were happening. Karina quickly settles her down onto the backseat and goes back to the driver's seat, she starts up the engine and gets the car moving. Police sirens blare off as she drove through the streets like she was in an action movie, chasing someone

"Fuck traffic, I've got authority"Karina says as she swerves through the cars, Winter was holding onto her dear life in the backseat. Not sure if she was dizzy from the make out session or the speed of the car

The car comes to a stop and Karina quickly gets off of her seat, she opens the door to the backseat and carries Winter in a bridal carry. She basically jogs towards her house door and scans her fingerprint, once inside she kicks the door to close behind her and her lips immediately lock with Winter's. Winter took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Karina's nape, still light headed but she didn't need sanity as she knew she'd lose it either way from the way Karina keeps touching and kissing her

She didn't even realize that Karina had made it to her bedroom, she gently puts Winter down and hovers on top of her. She pulls away to let theirselves catch some breath

"You okay? Water?"Karina asks and Winter nods her head, Karina rushes out to grab a glass of water but Winter was already limp from light headedness and so Karina collects the water in her mouth and plants her lips onto Winter's, making her drink the water

"Better?"Karina asks as she pulls away, Winter takes a deep breath and nods her head

"Ever heard of taking it slow?"Winter asked and Karina chuckled

"Baby I'm part of the law enforcement, all we know is rush"Karina replies and Winter shakes her head

"You're gonna rush me to the hospital at this rate, calm down"Winter says and Karina nods and stares at her

"You're... Quite the sight like this... Hair disheveled... Lips parted, clothes messy and your eyes full of something I'm fully aware of... I've got the best view like this"Karina says and she traces her finger over Winter's neck and collarbone

"Okay I'm good now... Get your dirty talk over with and start fucking me"Winter replies and her legs wrap around Karina's waist, Karina smiles before slowly gripping onto Winter's neck. Winter was taken aback, her breath hitches at the sudden tightness on her neck but it didn't feel uncomfortable

"My hand fits perfectly enough to choke you... What a nice obedient puppy... I've got you right in my fingertips and with a light squeeze..."

Winter moans as Karina squeezes her and in response Karina dampens her own lips and smiles

"You're already a mess"Karina finishes her sentence and Winter gulps in her grip before holding onto Karina's arm

"Please... Just... Do something... Other than teasing me..."Winter barely gets her words out as Karina's hand on her neck started tightening even more

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