(WinRina) Lifetime of Salvation and Redemption

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(Prepare tissues for this one and also long chapter ahead, if you can then please read every single thing because it will definitely have more of an impact if read full. This was the deleted chapter that I don't know what happened to but I'm glad that I decided to write it in my notes first instead of here otherwise I wouldn't have had a copy, anyways... I hope your nose wouldn't be runny after reading this as it contains heavy flow of emotions. You have been warned)

She finds herself watching... As Winter celebrates her boyfriend's win, they had been classmates since junior high and it was known to everyone that Kim Winter and Yu Karina are the bestest of friends, the ones that are inseparable that's why it came as a surprise when Winter suddenly disappears from Karina's side only to be seen around campus with a guy... Jaemin of the basketball team

"Karina?" Giselle calls out and Karina turns to her

Giselle's face twisted, her face filled with horror... And worry, as Karina looked in pain... As if she was resenting someone, the kind of pain that you would see from people who had lost their loved one to an unforeseen accident


"I'll go ahead first... I'm not feeling well" Karina cuts her off, she walks away with her shoulders drooping down

"Oh? Giselle unnie! Where's Karina unnie?" NingNing asks as she spotted the older woman, the 3 of them were supposed to go out but it had taken a turn. Giselle looks at NingNing with disappointment and NingNing realises that something was deeply wrong, she gets closer to Giselle but her eyes catches the open doors of the gym right next to the older woman... Inside was Winter, hugging Jaemin tightly as the boy smiled

"Inside... Look inside unnie" NingNing said, she stops in her tracks

Giselle furrows her eyebrows but she does as told, she sees the sight that Karina and NingNing had witnessed. It brought out the suspicion she once had... That Karina might've been inlove with Winter after all those years


"Karina?" Giselle called out, she was with NingNing and after witnessing the prior event they decided to go to Karina's apartment to check up on her

"It... It happened..."

The two stop in their tracks, looking at each other as Karina's voice echoes through her room. The two got closer and put their ears up on the door to listen to what Karina was saying

"I knew this was a possibility... I didn't think it'd be so soon... To have her taken away..." Karina's voice was hoarse and could barely be heard but her words were laced with so much sadness that Giselle decided to take matters into her hands, she twists the doorknob and opens it to reveal Karina balled up in her bed, bloodshot eyes and a shocked expression upon seeing her friends

"I knew it... You were in love with her all those years" Giselle says and Karina's eyes softened before becoming filled with sadness

"What are you two doing here?" Karina asks, disregarding what Giselle had said

"We saw, we aren't blind Karina" Giselle replies and it feels as though she was met with a different person... Karina was jolly, she was what you would call a "social butterfly" from how active she was, interacting with almost everyone and befriending random people. A girl loved and adored by many... Who was now crying her eyes out inside her room because of an unrequited love with her bestfriend

"You don't know what you're talking about" Karina replies and Giselle's eyebrows furrows at this, she throws herself at Karina and NingNing tries to stop her but she was already gripping onto Karina's shirt

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